Has been discussed previously, the dev is planning something a bit better for this.
Oh I see. Sounds intresting
Has been discussed previously, the dev is planning something a bit better for this.
Oh I see. Sounds intresting
My suggestion is that you should be able to change the amount of personal that can go in SWAT vehicles. I would like this to be a feature as most armed response vehicles (ARVs) in the UK have a crew of usually 2-3. I'm sure other smaller American SWAT vehicles can carry 2-3 (Crown vics, trucks and whatever else they use )
I hope you like my suggestion and take it into consideration.
A reported body in the water, could turn out to be true or false..
Thanks for the help, all sorted now; my mistake!
I seem to have found a massive bug within the game, where when I go to dispatch units to a call. I supposedly have none available, when actually most of my vehicles are state 2? Why is this, it shows them not avalible in the Alarm Response Regulations and in the general selection bit. It sadly really inhibits my gameplay
Any ideas, anyone else with this issue?
Depends where and how the large etc
10 Police cars? A bit much?
Hmmm. Anyway, learnt something new!
I know thats why i said that.
I see, sorry for the confusion. Should they separate them (in alarm response and regulations)
They are all the same. Water carrier to Tanker. It does not change the fact because they are all tankers.
I meant in game
We in America Have all different types of tankers [Blocked Image: https://www.piercemfg.com/hubfs/New_Deliveries_Files/B-Pierce-St-Leonard-VFD-28289-1.jpg?t=1510860484378]
But in game surely that would be water carrier
Correct! We have water tankers and bulk fluid carriers. Also High volume pumps. Surely one of those would we a water tanker within game.
[Blocked Image: http://fire-engine-photos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/18807.jpg]
Some Tankers run a 2 man team.
Me being British, I don't really know what a tanker is...
A 3 crewed tanker? That confuses me
German based actually, we have Light 4x4 Tenders here compared to Brush Trucks
It is correct on the map though!
How do I go about that then!
Not sure if anyone has found this but so far on 1 road (Tinwood Lane) It always says "yes" before the road name. I am guessing this is something to do with the map and the code, I am no expert.
Hope this can be fixed!
Many Thanks,
I fully Agree! But Could Having so many images that are Different & ANPG Cause Almost like a overload or Increased Lag with the System trying to Cope with the requests?
It may do that. But when I only had 1 fire truck it was the same. Then when I did a pack for a friend they were really smooth.
I have been a making a few graphics packs or 'custom sets' that aren't in a graphic pack. I personally do not use graphics packs as I don't want all my type 1 and other vehicle all to be the same. So instead I upload them to each vehicle 1 by 1. The only problem with this is there is no 'ANPNG' Button' to click, like there is in graphics pack to make them not as slow/laggy. This is the button I mean: [Blocked Image: https://i.gyazo.com/74ff6d49ad08c36543b2eba0b341fc8e.png]
So my suggestion bassicly is to have an ANPNG button when you edit the vehicle images, when you are not using a graphics pack.