Posts by emergency

    I would prefer a rescue engine. So this would be a "Squad".Quint also sound nice for other states but i wouldnt need it.Engine Type 3 mh... dont know if we really need it.Take a engine and call it "engine type 3", another sort of engine wouldnt change the use of it in the game. Same for division unit.Rescue engine and quint sounds good ,cause u got a combo of 2 units.grettings

    A Type 3 is only for wildland fires for example big forest or bush

    in this calls ypu didnt send engine1 or 2

    a division it is for very big calls. In germany it is the ELW2

    Here a list of new vehicles

    Quint: Ladder and Engine in one vehicle

    Engine3: Engine for wildland fires

    Large Ambulance: Can transport 3 injured person

    Divion Chief Car. For big calls

    Emergency Power vehicle: for a catastrophe

    Water Rescue Vehicle: for person in the water ( for ambulance stations )

    Fire Boat: for burnig boats or things on the water

    Foam Tender: when you ned foam

    Water tender: when you need much water

    Squad: A combination of engine2 and rescue

    which vehicles dou you like to see in the next time?

    *** Admin of the Emergency Alliance ***


    my Idea is the Engine Type 3. This engine you need in forest and wildland fires. You need the vehicle with more then 12 Stations. The vehicle is obtained from forest fires up to 12 stations!

    Name: Type 3 Fire Engine
    Person: 6
    Price: 10.000 credits
    Station: 10

    I am for Buildings and Vehicles of the alliance.

    The alliance get money with the alliance missions.

    The cost of buildings and vehicles is the same as a player.

    The admins of a alliance can build and buy then.

    All players can alarm the alliance vehicles for there own alarm when they need help.


    es gibt zwar ein paar die deutsch können. Aber auch viele die nicht. In meinem Verband ist auf jeden Fall die einzige Sprache englisch da das alle können ganz anders als deutsch.

    Beste Grüße emergency, Admin Emergency Alliance