why isnt pd given vans (they would work like a mcu to aid in transports)
it would make gameplay smoother
why isnt pd given vans (they would work like a mcu to aid in transports)
it would make gameplay smoother
well the bug is back at full power lolz
would the trailer be able to do transports or
i want to ask 2 thing
what would be the use for the Mass Casualty Trailer
what would be the use for ems operations suport
i get the command thing but the rest not really
anyone good a decent skin for dea and or game worden
gues my brain mixed em up
so calls not counting for task (even if they have the valentine tag ) is the gaming working fine odd
well i had several not counting aswell
eating to much chocolate
proposal shock
hey i had been following the wikipedia page for chicago fire units
now the page has been updated very recent
and i kinda need to (check whether the info is correct anyone would
a have a alternive site i could use
or have a connection within that city or knowledge
They may not work for you, but plenty of players like to have realism in their setup and may play in areas which have these units. So I do completely see the point in them, whether or not they suit me personally.
if the area you play would have such detailes then i might be worth it i doubt most areas list there special units like that
ill be honest a player that has a full set up i dont see the benefit in the new update
why would i need a EMS Fire Engine/Ambulance, when i got 80 or so engines
why would i need the tactical ems (when i got lets say 7 sway teams )
why would i need hazmat ems (when i got 8 or so hazmat rigs )
they add zero to my setup ( unless they add calls asking for em
kinda joping there will be calls demanding the new units
like a highly
bv like transporting a contagious person or stuff like that otherwise it seems kinda obselete (as the flycars have become)
yes but before the ems call it only asked for the units now there is alos the following
Educated personnel: 2x HazMat
wich makes me wonder
thats kinda what i mean yet ingame ive seen
Educated personnel: 2x HazMat
appear (i assume its related to the ems update
i have yet to try that
ok i wonder
if a calls demand a hazmat team and (or) Educated personnel: 2x HazMat
1 does that mean that trained ems would be able to replace a hazmat truck
second thing i wonder if you have trained ems would they be able to function (as trained ) without the matching unit
(wich i would find very very weird as it would change the rules for ems compared to mcv hazmat truck swat etc
hi i found a tesla supercharger station near me (pretty sure all majot citys have those
so i would like a pio to be added
calls that can be made
eletric car fire
calls that can be triggered by such pio
brawl (over a spot)
eletric shock
car accidents
game wont even spawn new new calls
i had four rows of them now there all gone but 1