Posts by NightOwl

    as letsgohope said this would put a strain on the servers and cause large amounts of lag for all players, although this won't be a problem for small alliances who only get small amounts of calls. in my alliance the lag is bad enough when majors are posted but with this on top of it would make the game unplayable. plus there is no reason to share ALL of your missions unless you have no stations, as everyone can deal with one pump fires, one police car incidents or medical emergencies depending on what station you start out on

    Like I said an option in the dispatch center that would allow the option but have like a disclaimer that you cannot use it in large alliances? Or like a scan that would figure out the amount of members in the alliance and decide if it would be a good option to have on or not?

    Alliance Auto-Share Emergency Call's Button

    Hello, first time using this so give me a chance to get used to this setup. Being in an alliance is great and add's so much to the game even though on its own is great fun. One thing I find troubling in a sense is every time I dispatch a unit to an emergency call, If I do not share the call before I send a unit, my alliance members will not see the vehicle respond even though the settings have been changed to allow such to be seen. I suggest a Alliance Auto-Share Emergency Call Button is added so the user does not need to share the call. Instead the call is already shared to the alliance and you can just dispatch at free will *Unsure if this is a thing* Something like a setting in the Dispatch center that allows auto share of any and all calls anyone may receive in the alliance. I find it would make everyone's life much easier so we don't need to worry about the dispatch vehicle bug that I find happens.