Was wondering if somebody could show me or send me there alarm and response in a british setup with calls listed aswell

British Alarm And response
I didn't know if you wanted a realistic unit setup or just a unit dispatch for each mission but this is mine.
Still need a few units and I am always discovering new vehicles and charities.
If you were wanting a call setup dispatch I would recommend LSS Manager. I don't know if you already use it but It is a third party application which acts as an overlay of the game adding features like units required for missions. It is allowed by the devs. This what I use as an alternative to having response setups for every mission.
Able to Export Your Alarms And Response Since im based in WM
Unfortunately not, Its just a case of doing it your self
Would you be able to update us with a finished version once you get there? Also whereabouts did you find the callsigns for West Mids ambulance? Or did you make it up, because I can't find it anywhere
It's literally just to visualise and copy it down. They're not hard to make, just set an Alarm and Response for each call, I personally put an Alarm and Response in for the ones I get quite often, it soon adds up
Would you be able to update us with a finished version once you get there? Also whereabouts did you find the callsigns for West Mids ambulance? Or did you make it up, because I can't find it anywhere
Yeah, can do. The issue West Mids are quite secretive with call signs. I have building call signs for the fire service but that is it. The rest I just made them up. I also have issues locating police stations as they have very few open desk stations now.
If you want an idea of how I have done the call signs then I can post a few screenshots if you would like.
That'd be awesome, cheers! I'm struggling to find where the Ambulance Stations actually are as well, so if you have anything like that i'd really appreciate it!
In terms of Medical Services in the area....
WMAS Main hubs are:
HollymoorThese have large numbers of vehicles stationed at them including ERA'S, RRV'S, ICV'S and a few specialist vehicles.
Then there are Community Ambulance Station's, They are hard to find and a lot of them are decommissioned. The definitely existing ones are: Aston, Stourbridge, Birmingham Airport and Dudley. There are a lot more and they are mostly at fire stations so what I have done is evenly spread out ambulances and RRV's throughout the area. I think its something like 1 in 4 fire stations i have ambulance stationed there also.
There is also a HART base which is in oldbury. It also is the home to MERIT and 2 CCT's from Midlands Care Team Charity.
I also have the three Midlands Air Ambulances with there CCT cars. These are stationed at RAF Cosford, Strensham Services and Tatenhill. There are also two more air ambulance run by the Air Ambulance Charity based at Coventry and East Midlands Airport.
Finally, I have a Saint Johns ambulance depot in West Bromwich.
WMAS does cover a larger area but I only cover the actual county of the West Midlands but hopefully that is useful.
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