Posts by newfoundking

    My Area(s). Setting up in Southern California on the left, in the Huntington Beach area, and then Newfoundland's Capital in Canada, St. John's and surrounding cities.

    Have been adding ambulance extensions to all my fire stations to provide greater medical coverage, but no flycars/ambulances at any Canadian stations, and only some of the American stations. This will hopefully continue to expand soon

    Sure, that sounds good, because you're getting the money back that you paid for it, but, here's a monkey wrench into that situation:

    I have 24 stations built, my next one with a Rescue Engine or Quint will be around 314,000. To build it like yours, it'd be over 200k more, however if I bought yours, I could "cheat" the system by emptying it and then moving (for free) to another location more desirable for me, while saving a significant amount of money.

    While I'm not 100% sure about the reason for increasing costs, I'm sure it has something to do with the fact that otherwise, as players build up, the game would get too easy (I can turn in half a million a day easily, compared to 100 or less when I started, and I'm not even that far ahead). Alternatively, if you made the cost effective to what the buyer would have to pay, then players with less than 25 stations can continue to buy and sell at 100k and make hundreds of thousands in profits on it that way.

    Because of increasing costs, unless that is something the developers wish to subvert, it gets too complicated to have this type of play

    I find not only the payout from calls is what makes money. Like for me I just had a call with 20 patients, which was about 10,500 if I had to transport all, which I did have to do for most, and the money from the call on top made it my most profitable call today. I find usually I make more money on patient transfers than I do any other call type.

    The more complex a call is the more it will receive. Remember, average payout per call is not always what you'll make. Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less. Example, I just made 8500 on a collapse for instance

    I understand where you are coming from, but New York is a special exception to the rule. The rest of the world, at least Western world, for the most part, has Swift Water Rescue handled by Fire Rescue services more often than Police Rescue. This is simply a logistics thing, as most police departments are not the size of the NYPD and do not have the budget and resources required to train and have ready a SWR team, whereas fire departments are more likely to meet this requirement as it falls under the mandate of their services.

    I don't play in NYC, but I would imagine those who do place ESU stations as Fire, rather than Police, given their primary function seems to be more of a fire service than a police service.

    Helicopter water rescues in my experience working as a rescue tech are a last resort, and generally something we only do when there is no reasonable means to rescue by watercraft. Helicopters create a lot of downwash and make it extremely crappy for those in the water, who now have to deal with what amounts to a lot of small waves coming directly at them from their rescuers. Usually water rescue is carried out from boats because it's a much more pleasant rescue experience for the victims, and is significantly cheaper on agency resources than using a helicopter.

    Haven't had a whole lot of playing with the new boats yet, but my understanding is they're supposed to be a RHIB type vessel, meant for more of lake and shore rescues than sea rescue as well, which is a little different than what you would use a helicopter for, which is more sea based

    I agree with you in that it's odd that calls are based on numbers of units and not personnel in some regard. For instance, SWAT is a unit that has to have six people to run it, (and does get overused in some calls, but whatever, it's good to have a use for them) and cannot run with less. However I can staff a high rise fire with one person per vehicle and it'll run fine.

    I do like the idea of number of people on scene, but maybe not as a requirement (I'd never keep that straight) but to speed up calls. Like minimum staffing for each call gets you the call at 0.5 speed, and each person on scene speeds it up. I think experience counters for people and training would be nice too. The game already records vehicle mileage, in theory it could do the similar thing to people and the more experienced they are, the better they would be at their job (in theory anyways). I've never played the German version, but I feel like that would be a good addition to the English version.

    This is a big thing. My K9 units sit mostly in my station save for the few calls that require them (forget about those that shouldn't and those that should) when in the real world almost all K9 units I've encountered function as a patrol operator as well. Primarily K9, but in down time, it's patrol. As it should be.