Posts by Geosmith

    Thank you. The developer believes that someone has your friend’s password. This is a great time to remind EVERYONE to NEVER share your passwords, and to try and have diversity between your online accounts as far as passwords go. If your password is too easy and used across multiple online platforms, you can lose a lot of important things to you.

    Okay, thank you. I will tell him about this and I will try to get him back up where he once was. I cannot thank you enough.

    So, my friend has just called me this morning that all his save data was deleted. He told me that he woke up, opened his app and he was logged out. He then logged in and was greeted with nothing. Both of his police stations were gone. He then created another account with the same email and built a fire station.

    What is the cause of the deletion of his stations and all his progress? I want to know so I can see how I can resolve this.
