Posts by Badgermedic

    That is true, but I figured not too many people own a rescue helo.

    Umm, as a former Search and Rescue Officer of 19 years experience, you might get one or two appliances turn out for manpower or Water Rescue Skills, otherwise it's rescue squads (in UK, Mountain Rescue, Coastguard Teams or Lowland Rescue), a few police under a police SAR coordinator, a couple of K9 units (SAR has their own as does fire/USAR) and maybe helicopters (as mentioned above, police or SAR). You'd very unlikely see any platform crews and definitely not as many as 4-10 appliances.

    It was ready from the sense that it was copy and paste from the US game, however we weren’t happy with that because we wanted things like it being available at small stations, more realistic missions, and other vehicles to tow the boat, so we delayed it.

    It also was going to include divers which again we weren’t too happy with seeing how rare diving units are now in the U.K. (met police basically covering half the counties in England) and are not used for rescue, more search and recovery.

    There's a private rescue company called Specialist Group International that cover police diver duties for most of the South East of England rather than the Met's own unit. South wales Police have a dive unit (and specialist search unit) which works mutual aid with the other Welsh forces. NW Police Underwater do North Wales I believe.

    I use CC trained HEMS as my Air Ambulance Units

    Non CC trained HEMS as my CG SAR Helicopter Units as they have paramedic winchies but not to CC level mostly.

    gives me the option of CC and HEMS despatch or just HEMS

    HEMS bases can have up to 3 helicopters looking at the expansions (someone may correct me to say it's between 4 and 6). Each expansion costs 1m credits with the further 300k for each helicopter - exactly the same as having a new base built.

    Thanks for the help, just found that bit now.

    I'm not sure if it's been said anywhere else (I've had a look but can't find the answer), what's the odds of the HEMS bases having the capability to have more than 1 helicopter? There are a few HEMS charities in the UK now who occasionally run two from an airbase.

    I'm also using HEMS to cover for UK CG SAR helicopters at the moment and there are two at each of the ten bases. Paramedics on board but not CC trained. MY CG bases currently can only run one helicopter which is a bit of a nuisance.

    i see where your coming from. maybe extra training courses to add to the list in a rescue training centre??

    I think it'd be easier to just leave them as 'rescue trained' similar to the way the fire and rescue can do both rescue calls and fires. Enables the 90% treatment for casualties anyhow. Maybe add water rescue for CG and MR teams once that expansion for fire goes live. but for the other skills, it would get very complicated very quickly.

    I use critical care trained responders in different RRV's as Advanced Paras or Specialist Paras.

    These are separate to my 'normal' ambulance RRV cars and also the BASICS scheme responders I've added (who are CC trained). rescue because you will send either HEMS or HART to the scene. although RNLI personnel could be CC trained?

    fire and police dont really need any training unless missions are created for such use.

    coastguard van could be used for missing person/child on a beach, injured person on the pier, or even a whale washed up on a beach. for this POI can be created with Beach, Pier, and lifeguard tower and coastguard van personnel to be CC trained??

    Coastguard Rescue Teams are unsurprisingly trained in multi disciplines of rescue. Rope, Water, Mud are the main ones plus missing persons search, royal fish, pollution monitoring and ordinance recognition as well as other stuff. so if you want a 'Coastguard Station' then they need to be represented as a 'proper' rescue organisation. There are normally ten or eleven members per team and i think it's about 3,500 across the United Kingdom supported by four or five Senior Coastal Operations Officers per area.

    RNLI, is separate and have boats predominantly plus a few (think it's ten or twelve) flood rescue units around the United Kingdom. RNLI staff have casualty care training to a similar level to CG rescue teams but most definitely not to Critical Care Level (Unless trained and authorised from their 'day' job).

    Hope that makes a bit of sense.

    most mountain rescue teams have an established base of some sort. Finding out where they are will probably involve a lot of Google and references to the mountain rescue England and Wales or Scottish mountain rescue websites. That's how I found my locations for them in my old missionchief (us version)

    Although the vast majority of us who switched from US to UK had large setups, it can be a refreshing start for both players and alliances. It's nice to see so many have come over. Remember that you can expand much quicker by starting fresh because of the small station buildings. Perhaps if there's something on the US game you think you could've done differently, now is a great time to start. You're right though, we all spent millions on our setups on the US game but do remember that the mission requirements are now much more suited to UK requirements where possible. The medical update, though I can't provide a status update, is currently being worked on which will be robust and differ from that in the US game. Things do take time but the game has come a decent way since it was first released in September.
    I had ambulance and fire in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire and Leicestershire. I've now got fire, police and ambulance in Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire and the Isle of Wight on the same scale as where I left off.

    I see the point but I can't find the enthusiasm to start again on a new game. I started on MC US when I was recovering from a MH crisis. It helped me rebuild myself alongside building up the game. The thought of doing so again, puts me off.

    I've spent over four years on (US) and have built up a coverage across most of South and Mid Wales with all services used (including some custom additions of CG rescue and Mountain Rescue). The thought of starting out again on demoralises me. I've spent millions on my existing setup and can't face doing it all again to be honest.

    In Uk most HEMS are not based at Hospitals. May be different in other countries. The newer AW169 helicopters have the ability to carry two stretchers but in normal operation will likely be configured for one only. Gives more room for the critical care team in the back to work.

    I agree that having some form of critical care car (super fly-car) at the HEMS base would be good as that's rapidly become the norm over here in the UK.

    Is there anyway you could put me forward to assist if needed?
    I understand there will be persons advising on different services etc but as there are no boats on the UK version and no Coastguard on any version it makes me think there won't be an advisor for that side of things?

    I could be wrong and if I am apologies.

    I'd be very happy to help if needed.

    I use EMS Rescue (with a suitable vehicle graphic) for my HMCG CRT's. Means they do heavy rescue stuff and can also co-respond. Seems to work ok.