Posts by ABParamedic

    If I use the app on android or my browser after a while missions stop spawning untill I refresh the website or the app. This makes it hard to play as every 20-30 mins I stop receiving calls, this has been happening for a while now so I am unsure what is causing this.

    I've noticed that with the app it doesn't seem to generate calls as quickly and I never seem to hit that max call number. But as soon as I switch to the computer it's right back to being on cue and gets to the maximum pretty quickly.

    What I would like to see is more fire units as EMS vehicles, e.g. CSU, Mobiole air, Hazmat etc.

    I absolutely second this. Our EMS Rescue truck has the mobile air unit on it and is the only mobile air unit in our city... It would be cool to be able to further customize trucks like these. (:

    How many stations do you currently have? The Battalion Chief isn’t required to complete calls until you’ve built your 6th Fire Station, so my best guess is that you have yet to reach that point.

    Ah that would make sense! I have 2 stations.

    Edit: I created my 3rd station today and now Smoke Investigation is requiring the Platform Truck. It has made those particular calls a lot more complex!


    I recently added the Battalion Chief vehicle to my fleet and noticed some missions have it marked as a required unit. "Manhole Fire" is the one that made me think to get a Battalion chief unit, but the mission is able to be completed with the 2 fire trucks. As I tried to find the best way to deploy the Battalion Chief unit I was dispatched to "Smoke Investigation". I sent the Battalion Chief unit as it was on the required truck list, but it still said I needed a firetruck.
    [Blocked Image:]

    Is there a way to make this more intuitive? Maybe a way to show which units are able to complete the call on their own and which units can assist the call to go faster.

    I hope this makes sense!