Posts by John

    I am gonna check on this. From my understanding, the "Quint" on this game is able to act as both an Engine and Truck Company. Have you tried sending a Quint on the call? Or are you referring to the straight Platform Trucks being able to handle the call?

    I am talking about a platform truck. I'm building up Chicago so they don't particularly use quints and most of my engines are already on calls when it comes in. I don't see the point of removing them as a whole because if a tree is actually blocking a roadway or interfering with traffic, it is more of a fd/pd call more than public works. I'm just going from experience from the department I work for.

    Allowing truck/ladder companies to handle trees on the road calls. In real life, an engine is usually dispatched out for that but if there isn't one available, a truck company would be able to handle that as well. You don't need to pump for a tree on the road so if that could take place in the game that would be nice.

    I agree. With my department, we provide regional Hazmat and TRT services for the whole county and we have one Hazmat truck. The rest of the county has two other hazmat rigs from different departments. Only the big city departments like Chicago, NY, etc... would have more than one Hazmat rig due to their size. The compromise to this without having to do a whole bunch on the developers side would be to train personnel on the designated engines, truck, and rescue companies to have the Hazmat certification in order to act as a Hazmat team. We run a Hazmat tractor/trailer with an engine company and a special operations battalion chief along with the nearest units to the call.

    I was wondering why Rescues, Ambulances, Trucks, etc... Can only hold 2-3 crew only? I am building up the Chicago FD on my account and I have the realistic staffing for engines (5) but I can't do that with Rescues (since most big city departments run at least 4-6 personnel) and Trucks (4-6), Air Rescue (at least 2-4). Some of the max staffing levels just don't make sense to me.

    Amen!!!! We have tried oh man have we tried. I agree with you it makes no sense.. I am sure even in Germany they transfer personnel too along with equipment

    Like there's so many little things like this could make the game ten times better and run so much more smoothly but as I've learned from others and the forum, the USA/American version gets the short end of the stick.

    Being able to transfer personnel from one station to the other. It seems crazy that you can't transfer personnel from one station to the other. Especially the ones that I put through classes to get certifications. Some stations are bigger than others which result in having personnel who aren't being used just sitting there when I could use them for my bigger stations. Trying to wait for a person a day through recruitment phase takes too long when I need to fill units with personnel.

    Some of the following POI's I think would be nice for different kinds of calls to add more diversity to the fire calls:

    Airports- Plane Crash, Fuel Spill, Bomb Threat, Suspicious Person, etc.
    Beaches- Drowning, Fight, Underage Drinking, Alcohol Poising, etc.
    Ports- Boat fire, Boat accident, Commercial Structure fire (possible hazmat), etc.
    Commercial Warehouse District- Commercial Structure Fire, Silent Alarm (PD call), etc.

    Additionally, if the Hose Tender Unit (Foam) could be used as a standalone engine. Allows them to take the place of an engine on a brush pile or something of that nature.

    We've actually got a few of those calls you've suggested lined up to be added in the next few weeks. I'll see what we can do about your other suggestions. Keep an eye here on the forums and on the Facebook Page for all the latest news!

    Awesome! Looking forward to the continued development of this game!

    I know they just added a police helicopter to the mix for the PD side of things but I was thinking maybe of adding the following units and what kind of calls they could be used for:

    K9- Used for a missing person, call involving narcotics, escaped suspect, etc.
    SWAT- Serving warrants, barricade suspect, officer down, active shooter, bank robbery, etc.
    Detective- Deceased person, missing person, undercover drug sting, etc.
    Marine Unit- DUI, boating accident, boat in distress, etc.

    For the regular patrol units already in game, adding in a variety of different calls such as:
    Domestic Dispute
    Shots Fired
    Welfare Check
    Home Invasion

    Any other suggestions are welcomed. I know I forgot about some of the potential calls ;)

    Hey all,

    I recently created a new alliance that focuses on the realism of South Florida Fire Rescue Departments as well as the LEO side of South Florida. I am looking for members that are interested in creating and expanding within the South Florida area of Broward, Miami-Dade, and Palm Beach County for now. I plan on placing stations, hospitals, police/sheriff offices, and so on in their exact places in real life along with the accurate units. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Hope to see some of you guys soon!…Florida.svg.png

    Best Regards,
    John- South Florida Realism Group Admin