Posts by Jxshy

    It's a very short term problem. We went through the exact same thing when the Police content pack dropped on the AU server. Without warning players everywhere were getting K9 and SWAT calls that they needed training to complete so everything was at a standstill until staff could be trained. It was a pain for about 5-7 days but honestly after that it was smooth sailing again, especially if you are in a big alliance with a lot of help around. It's different if you are a solo player or in a small alliance.

    Fortunately we deliberately kept enough in our alliance funds to buy two police academies for the alliance straight away (because we knew it would come at some point). Some members paid coins to finish the courses early too which sped it up.

    It'll be a non-issue in a couple of weeks - just be thankful they are pumping out some sizeable game updates after we went so. long. with nothing at all!

    Well I am very glad you managed to deal with it, although, as you said, it's different for people who are in a small alliance or solo, I am in a small alliance. So I don't see how any of us will earn any sort of money to build the academies considering we cannot complete calls as they require resources we lack. As a result of the thoughtless implementation of this update, I will not be able to play properly for at least "a couple of weeks".

    \No training is needed at the moment for the OTL or JRU.

    Although, that has nothing to do with the point KFC just made, he was talking about Critical Care.

    And I have the same issue. I won't be able to make money to buy a medical academy as all of my missions are currently requiring Critical Care and then ontop of that, having to wait for the trainings.

    The only two vehicles that will need training is the Co Responder for fire and the Critical Care Training to make a critical care RRV.

    Icwould have liked the trainings to be released first with the school however the Devs didn’t want it to be this way and wanted everything released at once.

    Also, it shouldn't be what the "Devs want", as that is quite selfish, it should be what is best for the players because now a lot of us are having this issue.