If you are based in the UK, don't setup on the .com version as mentioned above, instead on the .co.uk version.
The UK version will be receiving a large in depth medical expansion that has been influenced by real life medical workers in the UK, so will obviously be very realistic.
In regards to pumps of 9, Scottish Fire and Resuce run pumps of 9, and Norfolk FRS will be trialing running pumps of nine next year. And remember, you can choose how many people run on each appliance! You can set it however high or low you want...
Breathing apparatus pumps and water tanker sare separate, as they are completely different In real life. Examples below...
Suffolk Fire and Rescue OSU - Equivalent of a BASU - Carries spare BA and extra specialist equipment. BASU Could also be used as a British red Cross FESU, used for supporting victims of fire related incidents etc.
Suffolk Fire and Rescue Water Carrier - Carries large amounts of water to Large jobs, e.g. heath fires, field fires