Posts by Whiskey19



    • Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute
    • National Fire Acedemy


    • FLETC - Cheltenham, MD
    • MPCTC


    • Baltimore County DOC
    • DC Central Detention Facility
    • Jessup Correctional Institution
    • Lancaster County Prison


    • National Fire Academy (EMS)

    Like others have stated there is no standard to call sign/car numbers. Each agency is going to designate their call sign/car numbers differently. If you give me the agency I can assist you with this. I am very knowledgeable on major LE agencies in the US.


    • Alexandria, VA
    • Anne Arundel County, MD
    • Baltimore City, MD
    • Baltimore County, MD
    • Carroll County, MD
    • Chester County, MD
    • District of Columbia
    • Fairfax, VA
    • Fairfax County, VA
    • Frederick County, MD
    • Harford County, MD
    • Lancaster County, PA
    • Los Angeles, CA
    • Los Angeles County, CA
    • New York, NY
    • Prince Williams County, VA
    • Riverside County, CA
    • York County, PA

    I am based in San Diego and the SDFD has a lifeguard station but what would I use for a lifeguard station right now, Ambulance or fire station? Also, this could be a suggestion to add a lifeguard Extension or a separate station.

    I feel this is to and far between to add it to MC. However, I would suggest replicating this by using a small EMS station.

    I would like to have the option to delete alliance chat messages, as the owner. Right now if someone posts something inappropriate then there is no way to get rid of it.

    I am sure what made it confusing to the Dev's was the different jobs a sheriff can have. As some have pointed out the Sheriff and his deputies are the law for the county, and in some situations, they are the law for towns that don't have established police. (Waldo Fl was handled by the county for a period of time) In the case of Duval county/city of Jacksonville, the county, and the city are the same enity and as such the top cop is the Sheriff who would also be considered the chief of police. On the JSO cruisers, the words sheriff and police are on the cars. When I lived in CT, the Sheriff worked for the courts and were not considered law enforcement like we do in the game. The state police assigned a trooper to be the chief of police for the villages and very small towns. Lets face it, law enforcement in the US can be really confusing.

    You are absolutely correct when you say US Law Enforcement is confusing. It really gets confusing when you throw civil and criminal enforcement in there. This game does well with requiring Sheriff's units on civil calls for service, but there are several mistakes. A Deputy is required for the service of an ex-parte but not to enforce a violation of one. Nuance is key. It all comes down to heal much "Simulation" the developers want the game to be.

    Ultimately, it is the realism aspect. I know there are work around on ways to make it function the way a full service Sheriff's Office would. You are right by saying there is not much difference between a Police Deparment and a full service Sheriff's Office.

    It is very confusing that there is a Sheriff role, which needs to be trained, which is essentially just a supervisor. I think it would dispell a little of the confusion by changing the Sheriff title to Supervisor. However, some calls would have to be changed that require a Sheriff to respond. It appears that these calls for service that require a Sheriff are ex-parte calls and actually require a Sheriff, and not a Supervisor.

    I know this might be nitpicking and seems just for ascetic in realism. However, this is a simulation, and a dang good one, and I feel it should be fined tuned the best it can be.

    Yeah sherriffs were also rolled out in a way which broke everyone's set up as for me I was playing in downtown LA, sheriffs don't really exist un there imo the should ve optional

    Absolutely, the only time you will see LA County Sheriff's Office in the city is for ex-parte services or other court orders. However, in the County they are the primary law enforcement agency with a mutual aid (MOU) from the California Highway Patrol for concurrent jurisdiction.

    I agree 100% with your statement. That is exactly what I was getting at. I asked if they needed assistance with the US version, being a Deputy myself. They responded with they already had advisors. From looking at things like this is seems like they need advisors with a little more experience on US LE, and not just try to translate it from other countries.

    You are correct in stating Sheriff's Offices vary, but it is actually between agency to agency. There is a big difference between a full service Sheriff's Office, which run calls for service, and a court based Sheriff's Office.

    I know there are ways to manipulate this is game to make it work but like I stated it is expensive and time consuming. I play the game as REALSIM and like to be as authentic as possible.

    In all actuality Sheriff's Offices and Police Departments are two totally different intities. One is a County Governement and the other Municipal Goverment. I would love to see them split the two and make them their respected agencies.

    - The Deputy Sheriff 8)



    Our Mission is to break down the cultural barriers and foster the relationships between EMS, fire, law enforcement, telecommunicators, allied emergency responders, and the communities they serve.


    Our vision is for a stronger, more integrated public safety community capable of an effective joint response to all public safety incidents.


    Inclusive– of the entire public safety community

    Pride– in our efforts and accomplishments

    Sharing – of information, resources, expertise, and time

    Action – taking action as members and as an organization




    1) Treat all members with dignity and respect!

    2) Do not post NSFW content

    3) Do not spam the board and messages

    4) Follow the General Terms and Conditions of Business of XYRALITY GmbH (“T&Cs”)
    -- A) This is to include only one account per member


    1) All in-game local, state, and federal agencies should mirror those of their real-life counterparts. This is to include apparatus, vehicles, locations, agency name,, personnel, etc.

    2) Agencies will randomly be inspected for authenticity. If an agency is no authentic it will be asked to be rectified. An agency in progress will not be considered.


    I would like to suggest adding a Sheriff's Office as a building. Right now you can train a Deputy Sheriff that is assigned to a Police Station. That is not realistic in the basic structure of law Enforcement in the United States. Sheriff's Offices and Police Departments are two different agency types, with different functions.

    Right now, I have to create a Police Station and train all the employees as Deputy Sheriffs to realistically represent a Sheriff's Office. This is time and cost consuming. It would be nice to create a Sheriff's Office and start with Sheriff Deputies.