Ice Fishing Accident
Ice Rescue
Fire caused by faulty Xmas lights
Vehicle pileup on icy road
Scrooge/Grinch sighting
Ice Fishing Accident
Ice Rescue
Fire caused by faulty Xmas lights
Vehicle pileup on icy road
Scrooge/Grinch sighting
I would prefer a run total over a miles total I don’t see the purpose of a miles total
I agree. That would be the way to do it.
Just for info. I like seeing which unit is busiest, which has the most reposnses, etc. Just a numbers guy,
I've seen many older posts that have the same request. Let's develop the ability to pull response stats from the vehicles. I'd like to see a daily, weekly, monthly, and total amount of responses for each.
I'd like to see a few updates to the aircraft and their purpose/missions.
I'd like to see a few updates to the aircraft and their purpose/missions.
I contacted support, the issue has been resolved and I believe they are working on refunding the coins I used
What the email to contact support?
I'm not generating any coastal rescue missions. I've run over 800 calls and ZERO coastal missions. I have 3 rescue stations and 1 air station with 2 helicopters and 2 planes. All are in service and mission ready. I read in another thread that someone else is having the same issue.
ok, I have 10 Stations and 2 Air Stations with ALL training and All hangers and have not received 1 call yet and have ran over 500 missions. Not sure what to do or try, any ideas?
I'm in the same boat (pun intended) as you. Run 800 or so calls, nothing for the coast rescue.
Ya, I'm still not getting missions spawned. I have 3 Coastal Rescue stations with 1 of each unit and 1 air station with 2 helicopters and 2 planes....
I only have one built. will not allow the other hanger. have one plane and 1 helicopter in the other. Any advice?
That is for 2 air stations. Go to your other air station and add an additional hangar extension.
Thanks, I'll give it a shot!
And for the Coastal Rescue stations? I have 1 of each unit in two different stations. Do I need two of each unit in each station to spawn?
You need two hangars, no mission spawns from just 1 hangar.
Thanks, I'll give it a shot!
I'm getting something going on with the new stations. I have 2 rescue stations and an air station built, all in service and everything set, but I'm not getting any missions. Ran through about 300 regular missions yesterday with no coastal rescue missions. Anyone else getting the same thing?
This is amazing! Thank you Chief!
Great! Can you explain where I can find this? Not sure what/where LSSM is.
I'd like to see a counter of available and total resources. Example:
Engines: 25 total/14 Available
HazMat: 6 total/4 Available
etc, etc
I'd like this for each resource type.
California - Southern Fire Alliance is currently looking for active players! We are in Orange, San Diego, and Riverside Counties. Lot's of space available. Come join and let's do work!