Posts by dog-r-me

    Adding my own thoughts on a marine policing/dive and marine unit I think the simplest way without overcomplicating things to start with would just be a general marine vehicle and a towable boat trailer that acts as both marine policing and inland rescue, covers most services without needing devs to make new buildings and such for the dedicated boats the likes of MPS and MODP have (which could easier be added later down the line)

    100% buddy, down here in the met MPU is such a broad thing. General marine policing, dive teams, confined spaces search team. MPU work with MO19 and SO15 to bring a maritime ARV capability. This update is very simple in my eyes and only requires a building expansion and a couple new vehicles.

    Name: National Highways traffic officer

    Cost: 10k

    Service: police or a separate service

    Personnel: 2

    Training: fast roads

    Building expansion: highways or sperate building

    Thought this would be a cool idea, instead of having police cars response to debris on fast roads have national highways respond. Allows RTCs on major roads inc M25, M4, M11 etc to have some what more going to them. Could look at having other units such as ESU who repair the crash barrier etc.:)

    I've had this happen to me in a couple occasions. I send the resources to clear a job and I close the app on my phone and let it work it's magic.

    When I come back the mission has not been completed as units have just left the job and I haven't been then to cancel them.

    It works fine when I play on PC, it's just mobile.

    I'm not saying the bike isn't useful or doesn't take part in pursuits, I'm just saying that pursuits everywhere across england and wales don't specifically require bikes. Perhaps they could be a requirement for escort missions but also able to replace RPU in pursuits?

    That's up to the Devs go decide. I was thinking of putting another suggestion in for commercial vehicle units. Acts as a traffic car but also as a CVU so deals with HGVs. Down here in the met CVU often use solos so the solo scope is quite broad.

    But I'll leave that for the Devs to decide, I've don't my part and brought it to light

    I like the idea of a moped fail to stop or something similar, but I don’t think bikes are ever a requirement for a police pursuit, in fact apart from VIP & abnormal load, I don’t think they’re “required” for anything. And even then, generally in most cases RPU can do much the same job in cars (obviously SEG in the met are an exception)

    in the met if its a moped or any bike failing to stop and there is a solo bike, the bike will take primary and the cars will be seconday and teriarty. The met also have a dedicated op for it called op venice, 10 people to cover pan london. 3 cars, 3 bikes, 1 sergeant. the cars and bikes go out in pairs and the sergeant just floats

    • Namesolo bike (police bike)
      Purpose-ability to pursue motorbikes and complete other roles
      Cost-10,000 credits
      How many personel are required1
      Training-solo bike

      Building expansionnone
      Number of Prisoner/Patient slots0

    theyre not mine fella, not sure where that came from ^^

    Name~ CBRN Carrier

    Service~ Police

    Purpose~ respond to any any incidents where a crime has suspected to have happened. EG Sus CBRN in public place

    Personal~ 2-5

    Training~ Police CBRN

    Building expansion~ none

    Max patients/ prisoner none

    they are definately assinged to the hovercraft tranporter as seen in the screenshot. My pals one is working fine its just me?