Posts by Mozza

    There are some missions which triggers the patient to show up AFTER the mission is cleared.

    That could be an option.

    Yeah, that's what I'm going for. I don't know why it wasn't implemented for this mission and others like it where there's no way known the ambulance crew could treat them before the end of the mission. Car crashes etc, I can understand patients being treated during the main part of the mission, as when I've been to MVAs, fire has always been last to leave since we're cleaning up

    Something I've noticed with a number of missions is that patients are being treated immediately, rather than when they would irl, eg, confined space rescue. The patient was treated before the SES Rescue Truck got there to extricate the patient to be treated. It would be good if this mission was updated so the patients only appeared after the mission was completed (the SES removed them from the confined space). There is probably a number of other missions that are the same

    As the title suggests, I've not gotten the full refund that I should have gotten for a building. I built a fire station, expanded it twice, bought the bushfire extension, then realised that I didn't want to build in that location yet. I refunded the building the same day, however, only got back the 60,000 credits for the expansions, and not the other 545943 credits for the building or bushfire extension. I'm not exactly happy about this, as I needed that money to build a different station, and now I can't

    I have bought several Ambulance Transports, which have obviously started spawning transport missions. However, in the ARR menu, there is no option under the rescue/Ambulance section for Ambulance Transports. I've gotten around this by renaming my Transports, however, about 50% of the time in transport missions, all ARR options will be red, with no option for any mission (first picture). 45% of the time, I'll have the Patient Transport ARR and some other medical ARRs available, but when I click on them, they say that all the required vehicles are missing (second picture). And the other 5% of the time, it'll work no worries. It feels like the devs have released a half baked product with this update

    It appears that the Rescue request has been actioned, however, the MCV/Support request hasn't. This one is probably a fairly useful addition, as having to pick between one or the other is annoying if you have a mix of both. There should definitely still be separate categories for them both, but there should be a third option to make it select the closest unit(s) of both of them

    I am of the opinion that the four initial Bushfire missions (Small, Medium, Large, Major) need to have the number of bushfire vehicles at least doubled, especially Major, as having the same number of Bulk Water Tankers as Bushfire vehicles is incredibly unrealistic.

    Catastrophic Bushfire is good in terms of vehicle numbers, and should stay as it is, however needs to be added as an expandable mission for Major Bushfire, as right now it is only a follow up mission.

    Edited to clarify what needs to be doubled

    I believe it is an error, as the Light Tanker is only a bushfire vehicle, it doesn't count as a fire truck for mission purposes. It should be removed from that ARR section, which is something the Devs will have to do

    Adding that there should be something as well that allows for MCVs to be dispatched if there is one closer than a Support Vehicle, as MCVs will fill that role, rather than having to select one or the other in the ARR menu, unless I'm missing something

    For missions that need rescue capability, which can be provided by Fire, SES and Ambulance, there should be a section in the ARR menu that selects the closest Rescue capability, be it Fire, SES or Ambo. Otherwise, the current Fire, SES and Ambo categories need to be changed so that requesting Rescue in any of the above sections will pick the closest unit of any of the 3. This is already the case for pump capacity under SES, it will request the closest unit(s) that can provide the required pumping

    In South Australia, in the Adelaide Metropolitan region, the local MFS (Metropolitan paid crews) and the nearest CFS are automatically dispatched, as the areas where the fire is going to be, the MFS won't be able to access in their vehicles. If it's near/in National Parks managed land, NPWSSA is alerted, and we'll often send down crews to do mop up and patrol. But MFS would not be able to actively attack a fire in most of these areas easily, they would have to wait until it comes out to them. In the MFS' regional areas (all other parts of the state) most of their stations have at least 1 rural appliance, so would be able to attack the fire without waiting, but would still need CFS, as the MFS doesn't have the numbers.

    From what I know and in Florida, most departments will handle the first 3 that you have without the involvement of Florida Forest Service unless there is a need for a dozer. On larger fires Forestry is almost always involved. I have noticed what you are pointing out but not commented until now.. Perhaps eliminate "major field fire" will be the quick fix? But again, this is a great example of how the terminology and incident typing is different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and so is the response. For the developers to modify that to meet every difference there is, would be an insurmountable task.

    The problem is that this type of mission generally spawns in an area that, in AU, is covered by volunteer rural fire services. There are some areas, mainly in NSW (plus some in SA), that do have permanent/retained fire fighters in these areas, but most of those stations will have rural trucks. If it is changed to Wildfire missions, it will stop Field/Grass fires spawning in areas that most definitely would not have them IRL, like in the middle of a city, for people who have realistic station builds. For people who build stations with all extensions, obviously it will not stop these missions spawning, but they aren't worried about that. It surely wouldn't be that hard to change the mission type for 3 missions

    I believe that this is probably a mistake, as Little Field Fire, Medium Field Fire, and Major Field Fire are Fire Fighting Missions, while Large Field Fire is a Wildfire Mission. They should all at least be both, however, I think they would fit better into Australia if they had their name changed to something like "Small/Medium/Large/Major Grass Fire", and were all moved to be under Wildfire Missions.

    I have no idea how feasible this is, but SA uses a range of tank volumes for Bulk Water Carriers as we call them. 13kL to 10kL for standard BWC, plus 9kL, 7kL, 6kL and 5kL. I imagine that the other states would be the same in that they use various tank sizes

    You can customize which vehicles are shown in which tab in LSSM settings. That is completely independent from what vehicle types are in which tab ingame. The little ⚠️ above vehicles list shows which vehicle types are not in any tab in your current setting but you can change that in LSSM settings :)

    Unfortunately, it doesn't show up in LSSM at all, as it hasn't been updated to have it, due to the issue with it not being registered as a firetruck, I believe

    There should also potentially be Community Response Teams for SES, as SA has at least 6 CRTs in the northern and western parts of the State. I don't know about other states though, so it may just be SA

    Another one with unnecessary vehicles attached

    ADL2015: Aerial Platform
    OAK302: Aerial Pumper
    ADL2090: MCV

    PPT377: Hazmat Pumper

    APK369: Rescue Pumper

    OAK302 was closer by about 2 minutes than ADL2015, which shouldn't have been sent, as it is unneeded, since there is already an aerial appliance attached

    Something else that needs to be fixed at some point, is the Hazmat Pumper not showing up under the Firetruck tab in dispatch, which then causes an issue with LSSM