Posts by Whitchit

    NoahMayer you can assign custom graphics to reflect the vehicle make & model yourself, that isn't something which the devs are going to do for you. You can also create custom categories if you want some units to respond to certain jobs etc. You can also rename police stations to whatever you want to simulate local, regional, contracted, state and specialist Law Enforcement. What the devs can change are: New / reworked mission requirements & New specialist vehicles. There is no specialist difference between a "Slicktop" and SUV in-game, neither is there a difference between an Explorer or Suburban SUV specifically. I still hold firm that the current way the MCUS game treats "Sheriff" units, is down to mistranslation and misunderstanding of the role.

    The "Sheriff" is an individual who runs a Sheriff's Dept, like a Chief of Police. The devs likely mistook this for a Supervisor-type role in US Law Enforcement.

    The Devs then likely did research on what "Sheriff" responsibilites are, what they respond to - and were given answers pertaining to the role of a Sheriff's Dept does - including evictions etc...

    Thus - the intended supervisor role in-game is only required by missions which could commonly be considered as handled by Sheriff Depts generically speaking (I know it varies wildly but bare with me, there are thousands of LEAs across the USA).

    My advice is to ignore the fact that it's a "Sheriff vehicle" with "Sheriff training" in-game, and treat it like a generic supervisor, and contact the Devs via support in-game to advise them that they need to re-name the unit or update the use of it, and suggest what you would like to see in a new LEA type such as a dedicated Sheriff Dept which could deal with all calls they take normally, such as evictions and court duties etc.

    Alternatively, rename and reskin police stations to appear as sheriff stations and create custom categories and ARRs for what you want to happen.

    What it means is that BLS ambulances can be sent to this call - but only with patients which are Category A / B - the patient in your screenshot is Cat C so you will need an ALS ambulance for that patient. BLS ambulances can be upgraded to ALS if you also send a fly-car but idk if you can send a fly-car to transport missions.

    Or they could rename the "Sheriff" to "Supervisor" and add it to the relavent missions, then create an entire "Sheriff" branch of law enforcement with it's own uses etc

    I'm fine with my blues, just expressed my admiration :D

    Showing you, which ones :

    Idk about you, but battenburg is such a pain to get right...

    Anyways, I've stuck my blues on since you admire them :P

    On another note, I found a perfect drawing of AFRS Rescue Tender based in 05 Avonmouth, and just had to include a scaled version in this thread. All credit for the original goes to the very talented Drew Ian Hartshorn


    I'm not quite sure what you mean - If you want to create the models you are looking for, I'l stick some fancy blue lights on them for you :)

    Hopping back to Avon FRS for this brand-new Volvo FL280 WrL

    And a few versions of the older MAN Chassis which I've edited:

    Rescue Pump:

    And finally -not sure if I've posted this before- the new BASU van stationed at 09 Temple:

    The ability for a type 6 to tow trailers would probably be the easiest to implement. I don't see the devs adding rescue capability to it until they split rescue into two (heavy rescue vs light rescue).

    I agree the split definitely needs to come before any more rescue vehicles are expanded or implemented

    My local station has a prime mover and a incident support unit what unit would this be a hazamt or a ICCU (pod obviously)

    Incident Support Unit in Devon & Somerset refers to a BASU unit - so it could likely be that, or an OSU type combination unit

    Nice to have the small u/grade, thanks indeed.

    Just noticed that foam couldnt be built yet, only ambo, PM. Intended?


    Would be great to get foam at small stations - even if it’s a smaller foam expansion that only allows CAFS Pumps / Rescue Pumps

    Thats brilliant, I'd be much happier with a flushed-out ATV system down the line. And if you're optimistic about the H4T (Foam) then so am I! :D

    I agree so much

    Also does the Command Pod act as a FO ICCU or both

    I haven't tested this, but my gut feeling is that it acts as an ICCU (and therefore would also cover the FO requirement too)