Posts by 12jp

    go to the place you would usually add buildings to your personal account. Then instead of buying them with your own money. Buy them with alliance funds.


    Could the alliance forum be improved because ours is getting very messy at the moment and i was wondering if it would be possible to improve it so it was like forums on the web. So had different categories and then under there we could have pinned threads and other threads.

    Because we have the help thread and advice for new members thread, so if these were clumped together under a help categorise that would help a lot.



    Hi all,

    I was just wondering if there was an upto date list of vehicles and units in the game. Or if somebody could provide me with one.


    If your an alliance Admin and needing to know how many units your members have combined for missions and events. And you can't wait until the developers add a way to see this.

    Then I have created a way for you to do this. Easily and quickly.

    Please PM me for details on this.




    Hope your all well,

    These following improvement sprung to mind whilst playing the game.

    1. A way to see the total amount of units an alliance has. So really a total of the amount of units, combined from all its members. This is useful so we know how large to make are alliance missions.

    2. Another really useful tool would be the ability to see hen a member was last online. I am well aware of the fact that the members icon turns pinkish red after 2 months but this does not help alliance admins if they want to know when there members where last online.

    3. Finally a way to sort alliances in order of member count on the alliance list. This would be useful because our alliance has lots of members but little (compared to others) earned credits.

    I have put together a spreadsheet of the first 70 (i think) alliances. The first page is for the current system of ordering alliances on the alliance list and the second page is how i think it should be done. (Note: This will not get updated. It is just ot prove a point of where alliances would be if it was order in a beter way.)…sJKwSueA/edit?usp=sharing



    Hi all,

    Hope your all well,

    This is a suggestion for the mission chief developers.

    Would it be possible to implement a way so admins can see all the members in the alliances units. For example member x has x number of fire engines and y number of Ambulances.

    I bring this up because this would make it a lot easier to plan missions and events around this information. So if we do a custom mission then we know how many units our members have and thus we can adapt the custom mission to suit the number of units available in the alliance.



    it took us a good 2 months to get 10 members. But after that they just rolled in. About 1 a week.

    The running of it became easy once we went on to use Google sheets. But once we did it became easy.

    wouldn'tusing bots make the game really dull to play. It may be useful in the first part of the game where it is hard to make lost of credits but later on in think it would ruin the experience

    I think it would be possible because all you have to do is the same piece of code for the one that shows other users in the same alliance there buildings and yours.

    Then just adjust it to gather up all buildings in both alliance and place them in the map.

    Or you don't need to do either of this and just allow different users from different invited alliances to send units to a mission. It could be done by using global variables or something like that

    I think I know why we get so much hate round here. It's because our alliance is relaxed and un realistic. Not hardcore players but casual. We let in everyone that applies no one is left out. No requirements.

    Hi all,

    A suggestion for helping admins is there needs to be an alliance admin chat only for admins and also a way for admins to download a transcript for the chat. so if there is an issue in chat it is recorded and can be used at a later date.

    there could be a way added that allowed you too upgrade your units. so if u had a really slow fire engine then it could be upgraded to a faster one