Posts by Gavin876

    Nobody has said it can't be done. It's a question of whether or not that is a solution the playerbase would find adequate. It's also a question of the size of the update, the frequency of the update, and the amount of time Sebastian can put into the game.

    From the FAQ:
    "Usually this problem can be broken down to one of three possibilities. The first and most common is there is not enough employees in the station to staff the vehicles. Always make sure you have enough employees to fill your trucks. Its free to hire new people so I tend to recruit all the time, it just takes a little time. The second reason could be that your employees are busy in a training class. When sending employees to training remember to double check and make sure you will still have enough people to staff your trucks. The third reason is the unit may be to far away from the call or the maximum distance is set to low. On the dispatch screen is a bar with a max distance setting up to 400km. Adjusting this setting accidentally may be your problem."

    Yes but police helicopter can carry only the pilot and SWAT related missions can't be complete without an entire SWAT unit. That's the reason of the post

    That's true. But we've already said that if this update happens, it won't be soon. There are literally hundreds of updates that players want to see. Some of them are really good. Others can wait. This is one of the ones that can wait, so I've given you something that might be helpful to you. Besides, I can't think there would ever be a situation where SWAT is deploying from a helicopter and they don't have ground assets already there.

    This seems like a rather complicated addition, and like aether said, probably won't be any time soon. In the meantime, you could just name a regular police helicopter "SWAT Helicopter" and send the people at that station to SWAT training, then dispatch it to whatever calls you'd like.

    the only problem i could see if they did a driving course is how long it take to train drivers to run the appliances

    Our idea (which hasn't been run by Sebastian yet) for a driving course is that it would increase the speed when a vehicle is travelling emergency traffic.

    This is not an error or a bug, so I've moved the thread to general discussion. If we were to make this change, I believe that we'd get people complaining that "cancel all ambulances" cancels fly cars too, when they didn't want to.

    In addition to this, I think tractor-drawn aerials should be added because that it a big part of American apparatus.

    We've already stated that we don't plan on adding tiller trucks. There's nothing they would do (in the context of this game) that a platform truck can't do (in the context of this game). If you want a tiller, buy a platform truck, rename it, and give it a unique icon.

    We've actually brought up the idea of audio packs to Sebastian before. His response was that he was concerned about copyrighted audio being used and that he would think about it more. There is a similar concern with graphic packs, but it is easier to monitor them.

    Units are ordered in the station based on when you bought them, with the newest on top. On the dispatch screen, units are ordered by their distance to the call. Sometimes, on the dispatch screen, it might take a moment or two for the correct order to happen, especially with more units and helicopters.