You can turn off alliance buildings in your menu
Posts by DeputyChiefBurnham
But they’re not, you wouldn’t show up to a house fire with a brush truck
You will need to train your personnel. You can train your personnel first then buy a hazmat so it’s ready to go as soon you buy it, just remember to assign the trained personnel to it.
For alliance large scale missions, is it possible to have their own tab on the missions list or have them separated at the top of the alliance missions tab?
One more thing for alliance large scale missions, can they have their own icon instead of the explosion icon? -
Would it be possible to add Mission Chiefs TOS and privacy policy to the miscellaneous tab on mobile?
You say you have 31-32 stations total, but 26 are ambo, 10 are pd a few heli and a few docks. That already ads up to over 32. The number of calls that can spawn at a time is n+1 where n is number of fire stations. You didn't mention how many fire stations you have, but if you only have 2 that explains your issue. If you have more than 2 I can help with the information given. The dispatch center assigned does not effect the number of calls.
I always thought it was n+1 where n is the number of your most populous building type. Cause n being just fire stations wouldn’t work for, say, someone who starts out with PD.
From my experience it’s completely random, I’m guessing only a select few know how it is calculated.
In the alliance protocol when a member is banned from alliance it says “allowed to apply for the alliance”. Could that possibly be changed to the correct “not allowed to apply for alliance” or “banned from alliance”?
Also is there any way we can get a search bar for the alliance protocol? Or at least a filter by description option?
I’m not sure if there are any, but if you would like, you can DM me and I can make the graphics for you. Check out my graphics pack linked on my profile, the animation will look similar besides being a NYSP cruiser.
Any mod/admin able to confirm this?
Couple questions for the custom requirements for large scale missions, thank you in advance:
-what firetrucks count as "required firetrucks"? only type 1, type 2, rescue engines, quints? what about the new type 3,5,7?
-what counts as "required tankers"? only water tanker? what about the new pumper tanker?
-what counts as "required SWAT vehicles"? do both swat vehicles count for this? (SWAT armored vehicle and SWAT SUV?)
-what counts as "required boats"? all boats count? (heavy rescue + boat, boat trailer, large fire boat, large rescue boat?)
-what counts as "need brush trucks"? is this for only the new type 3,5,7? what about the new crew carrier?
Yes, completely agree. I’m on iOS. Every time I look at my notifications or what you said above it reloads the whole game
So to confirm. You would like to see the ability to copy text put back and also the ability to copy links to vehicles etc?
I would, yes
Personally I would use a long press to copy links in the MC app for multiple things but as of the last few days I am unable to do that. Also just copying text no longer works. I’ve asked around in my alliance and it appears to be like that on iOS and Android. I hope this is something that comes back.....
It’s definitely an interesting concept but I’m not sure how it would work to be honest. It would also have to potentially pull a lot of data because if the call range is 400km that could be a huge area and a lot of stations.
/\ that’s a good point
Would be good to have an idea what is in the alliance.
For my alliance just made a quick google form to do a census on current setups.
/\ I’ll have to look into doing something like that, do you do it by state or like counties?
I think something similar to team seeker could be used to help gauge the amount of units that you could require for a custom large scale mission. My thoughts is it would only include members who have been active in the last 3 months, and have a distance option similar to the call window options for distances. The result would tell you how many of each unit are available in that area.
3rd time. This is ridiculous, maybe the should make the game playable before pushing out these pack updates
I believe it’s because SWAT and K9 cannot transport prisoners, you can only release them if you do not have a patrol on location
you can chat at any of the your members in chat. if they recently posted something just to the right of there name you click that and it @'s said Member
I know that but @admin is a thing and so is @all. I was wondering if there was one for finance, education, and transport admins. Thank you though