Easy Improvments

  • Hi, i really enjoy playing the game! But i have some suggestions [Blocked Image: https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/z4c/1/16/1f642.png] 1st of all when the police ambulance or firetruck is on an emergency they should have another speed than when they are roaming/ status 2 or 1. So far when the police are patrolling they haven't done anything like finding criminals or robbery. I really hope you guys keep the game up to date and fun because right now i love it ! Oh and make it a bit easier to start. Like give more coins it takes forever to get a fire station [Blocked Image: https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v9/z4c/1/16/1f642.png] Btw add some more mission to the begging for polices at least, get kind of boring when you have noise, traffic and pickpocketing. Add like small fight or robbery! Hope to see those in action!

  • I know I'm not a moderator but I can answer this for you.

    1) The speed of the vehicles on the map is defined by OpenStreetMaps, on here, the roads have the speed limits. When your vehicles are travelling down these roads, they're travelling at the speed limit.

    2) There are already missions such as small fights and robberies. These are available when you have more Police Stations.

    The bit about the patrolling and coming across calls has been suggested before. I do believe that the response was something along the lines that it wouldn't be possible because they would have to re-code the calls system.

    Hope this helps?

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