After thinking on were to go next in my expansion when i get to the kent boarder i want to go and expand and go and get kent forces and services, it comes to the realisation that not all stations are full time crewed for fire and the cost for a new station will not be worth it if i was going to have like 1 unit in a station as a retained unit. As the new update came out with the Home Response Units it seems possible that an update for realism to have a retained station that holds 1 units inside the station. It seems possible from the looks of the home response and i think it should be a fixed price of 25 - 50K credits and have only certain vehicles such as a water ladder or a rescue pump or a Light 4X4 vehicle to choose from as your 1 unit.
This situation doesn't only effect Kent Area's it rather also effects large areas of the county that have retained stations as a part time crew.
This will be benifical to other players within the community and would fit really well with the expansion for realism.