Small Complex Police Bonus Vehicle Error

  • Greetings,

    I am reporting a problem with the small complexes. When the pack was released everything was functioning. Today I noticed when in a PD station with 5/8 stalls I could buy one but not the other two. Seems to me the system is defaulting on expansion plus one: BUT not accounting for the bonus two for having a fully expanded small complex.

    I have included a complex image showing maxed out; an image of the station prior to purchase of the 6th vehicle; a picture of the station after 6th purchase (Which shows I have space for two more) and finally a picture of the Vehicle Market screen where the purchase options at not available.

    This issue is ONLY affecting PD. I am able to purchase past 6 for EMS and Fire.

    If I need to report this elsewhere other than here please advise.



  • Kaziya

    Changed the title of the thread from “Small Complex Bonus Vehicle Error” to “Small Complex Police Bonus Vehicle Error”.

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