Display MoreName/Type of Mission:Firefighters Down/Trapped(MAYDAY)
Units Required:
2 Heavy Rescue
1 Battalion
1-3 Ambulances
POI Required (Use “none” if not needed):none
Credit Reward:1100
Yup really like this one
Display MoreName/Type of Mission:Firefighters Down/Trapped(MAYDAY)
Units Required:
2 Heavy Rescue
1 Battalion
1-3 Ambulances
POI Required (Use “none” if not needed):none
Credit Reward:1100
Yup really like this one
What would be nice is when filtered the missions; the next mission would be what was next in the filtered list not the next mission that was generated.
The rundown is, if you have a mission that has either 20 or 25+ patients (I forget which) you will need two trained “EMS Command” personnel on scene. They can arrive in either the EMS chief or the dedicated EMS mobile command vehicle. The difference being is only the EMS Command vehicle has the option to transport patients off the scene with many cool features you can set to your liking.
The EMS Support as stated will just up the process of the mission
WinWin Actually the settings are the same between EMS Chief Vehicle and the EMS Command. I was just looking at that and my EMS CHiefs have same options.
I am reporting a problem with the small complexes. When the pack was released everything was functioning. Today I noticed when in a PD station with 5/8 stalls I could buy one but not the other two. Seems to me the system is defaulting on expansion plus one: BUT not accounting for the bonus two for having a fully expanded small complex.
I have included a complex image showing maxed out; an image of the station prior to purchase of the 6th vehicle; a picture of the station after 6th purchase (Which shows I have space for two more) and finally a picture of the Vehicle Market screen where the purchase options at not available.
This issue is ONLY affecting PD. I am able to purchase past 6 for EMS and Fire.
If I need to report this elsewhere other than here please advise.
Ok, let me put it this way. It appears you bought the Water Police Expansion. When you do that then you get two spots BUT they are only for Water patrol boats. Your current station level is 0 so you only get 1 vehicle. You have to expand that in order to get other police vehicles and game warden trucks.
It requires me to enlarge the existing stations to 39. Rural stations are never that large, ever. Sorry but this is an epic fail. To try to make a realistic set up I placed the small volunteer stations around a community as they should be. It also isn't unusual to have a police station share a large building with a local fire department. Taking a little artistic license because this is a game required me to make the fire stations a little larger than they should be. None of the 100's of stations I have are expanded that much except a make-believe one I created for a storage facility and "training" center. (warm bodies for recruiting) I was excited about the building complex until I realized this very unrealistic requirement. I would be happy to use it as an EOC since some counties have large facilities that house multiple types of vehicles but even that doesn't fit this requirement. On many levels, this does not make any sense.
I feel the same way. I have been toying with the idea of merging in my "Traning / Recruitment" facilities. I did build a complex already before thinking about utilizing the recruitment centers. I too was thinking recruitment/Training and vehicle warehouse. But it was very painful the first time very very costly. They are plenty of Public Safety Buildings (Complexes) that exist; however, they are alot smaller in nature.
I am not sure how this complex works. I will ask some questions if people can reply so that I can understand this better, please.
1. Do you have to max the building to 39?
2. Do they have to be the same type i.e. Police, Fire, EMS or can it be a mix?
3. What is the minimum number of buildings needed?
4. Where do you go to "Build" the complex?
Thank you in advance.
If you use LSSM V4, can you have a tab for bushfire vehicles and when dispatching to a regular call you can uncheck these vehicles, at least as a workaround for now.
Where is this? I am not seeing the tab your talking about. and Yes I am using LSSM 4 though very new to it
*** UPDATE there have been many changes in the past few weeks. I do not plan on bringing this post upto date as there is suppose to be another release to EMS. My intention is to place a new thread once that is released and information gathered and verified.
Display MoreThis concept is cost prohibitive and even as a late game idea, would only be available to top tier players who likely already have their strategies set. I think TACRfan pretty much hits the points.
This game doesn’t flow like most games. It’s less competitive and more collaborative, thus the donating coins option recently released.
I can see someone wanting to combine stations down the road, more likely beginning or middle play. IRL, the US has many Public Safety Complexes that house all services. A simpler plan seems appropriate.
Three fully built out regular stations (Fire, Police, Ambulance) would allow for a total of 120 Bays (40 each) at a total cost of 11,380,000 Credits; far less than the 16,800,00 credits and would have 55 more bays than this concept.
Might I propose two alternative ideas? One is a new build and one combination of existing builds. As always, I’m not a coder so bear with me on how easy this is to do. I don’t know how the UK system has been set up.
-1,000,000 credits per station combined, no limit. (2)Stations = 2,000,000, (3)Stations = 3,000,000, etc
-50,000 per existing Bay. Instead of a finite number of bays set at the beginning, you’re literally combining your station’s existing bays for a price.
-Any new bays are the standard 100,000 per pay.
-120 Bays maximum
-Expansions carry over. If combining a fire station with an ambulance expansion and an ambulance station, you lose that expansion.
-Carries the equivalent of 2 stations per mission type (Don’t need 100 trucks for a car fire)
-3,000,000 Credits to build.
-Fire, Ambulance, and Police available immediately.
-3 Bays included (Theory of housing 1 Fire Truck, 1 Ambulance and 1 Police Car)
-100,000 for any new bays up to 120. No discounts for the first couple bays, they’re included.
-120 Bays maximum
-Carries the equivalent of 2 stations per mission type
Any inconsistencies between the two ways of building are part of the strategy. Combining may cost more, but if you start with two, then three, or maybe leave it at two, it will allow building more credits to buy more. How and when is a part of the game and leaves those decisions to the player.
I am 100% behind the two proposals. I am seeing ALOT of Public Safety COmplex's that house all three.
did you set the staffing for the cab to one? as the max is 3 for that vehicle
Yes. If you look at the images I sent above you will see that the cab has 4 people in it going to a mission.
Adding the following observation to the information in the initial post:
*** UPDATE it was also noted that on calls with multiple patients, patrols, and fire on the scene; that when sending the Tac Amb to transport, it will REMOVE the patrol car count, thus potentially needing to send a patrol car to finish the mission. It is recommended to transport all pt's prior to transporting the pt in the Tac Amb.
I forgot about that switch, I am going to turn it off so I can keep them there.
where is that setting?
Yup each one to a seperate truck cab, but when dispatch it takes them all into one
and yes the EMS Fire Engine/Ambulance will ONLY roll with trained staff.
How many FF do you have to train to have the engine act as ALS? I tried trining one on multiple engines to get as many to ALS level quickly but it does not seem to have any affect. Do they all have to be trained for it to work?
Your Firstation needs to be a regular size not a small, and you have to have the Ambulance extention. Then you buy a EMS Fire Engine/Ambulance from the Ambulance Tab. Max for the unit is 6 trained staff/.
The Hazmat Ambulance will leave the scene if there are no casualties too. Neither of these vehicles is going to work to support an active scene.
I noticed that also and thats why I started this post. lol
The problem is that when I roll a trailer, the tractive vehicle pulls anyone in the station that has a truck's license even though the trained staff are assigned to other vehicles. Then causing the rolling truck to be over the MAX crew number, but truck rolls to the call.
ill be honest a player that has a full set up i dont see the benefit in the new update
why would i need a EMS Fire Engine/Ambulance, when i got 80 or so engines
why would i need the tactical ems (when i got lets say 7 sway teams )
why would i need hazmat ems (when i got 8 or so hazmat rigs )
they add zero to my setup ( unless they add calls asking for em
I hear ya. I think we will get a better idea when the next update happens; which an Admin on this site stated the final update will be large.