Alliance Recruitment Guidelines

  • Going into 2022, we've decided to clean up the Alliance Recruitment board. Please refer to the following rules regarding this board, which refers at this time to the UK game only. As always, the main forum rules always apply.

    One thread per alliance

    Alliance admins are able to create one thread to advertise their alliance. Any updates can be put into that single thread and can be updated regularly, however do not spam the thread with multiple posts a week. Try to limit it to one post every one or two weeks.

    Gameplay rules

    Please include any alliance rules within your post. This includes rules such a minimum earnings, or gameplay rules like having a realistic setup. If your alliance has dedicated areas per member, include any available areas in the first or second post and update it regularly with a date for when it was updated.


    Always include a link to your alliance within your post. This allows for potential new members to easily find your alliance to apply. The link should start with followed by a number, not


    Please keep your thread brief, but still informative. Threads should be well structured with no large blocks of unsightly text.

    Looking for alliances

    If you are looking for an alliance and can't find what you're looking for, you are welcome to post a thread but please outline your requirements and what you are looking for.

    Thread archiving

    Please update your threads at least once every six months so potential members know that you're active and still looking to expand. If the thread is inactive after six months, it may be archived. For those who made threads in search of an alliance, if there's no update on your thread within three months it will be archived.

  • VICFire

    Closed the thread.

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