Too many Alliance missions

  • Hello There.
    I am EmergencyDisp123 (Ig you know that's short).
    I recently joined the World Dispatch Services Alliance.

    I would have asked this right on the alliance board itself but my game is not running whatsoever.
    The number of alliance missions have increased by 9 TIMES in a DAY OR TWO. My PC can't handle this and now I cannot even visit the page to ultra ultimate 1 FPS lag. I have disables alliance missions on the map settings as well as turned the distance of alliance missions from dispatch center down to zero. but still the lag persists and I cannot play the game. I cannot type, dispatch etc. Please help

  • Sounds like you did the right steps, disabling alliance missions should help reduce the lag, however since you said that didn't work, I would recommend refreshing the page and maybe try clearing the cookies. If nothing works out and the game continues to be "unplayable", then leaving the alliance is also an option.

    Hope that helps. If you need any additional help let me know

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