I just got a new gaming pc and I was wondering what's the clickable category on LSSM for the call number addon? the one down at the bottom left of the dispatch screen that shows what call number you're on and also shows how many calls before and after, to the right of [dispatch next] button
Posts by LAC-1014
I found if you hoover over their name you can get the option window to pop up then block them w/o having to open the post and clicking on their name
there we go, all grouped by Battalions
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Has anyone created different colored building graphics for the FD buildings? I've searched and I couldn't find anything in the forums about them. if no one has is it possible to get about 21 different colors made not including red? purpose is to color code FD buildings by battalions.
it is nice playing the game on a 49" monitor
Then the ALS Engine has to put the medic on the Ambo for an ALS patient and then engine has to follow to the hospital, putting the engine out of service?
External Content youtu.beContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.it's the reality of how things run in parts of California. if you don't want to utilize the follow up system then respond with an ALS ambulance to your runs. just because some of the gamers want that feature doesn't mean you need to go with it.
also would be awesome if a medical run could upgrade to an engine response for a (lift assist) call
basically it would be great for us roleplayers
I have a really dumb question here: if you have a Paramedic (or Paramedic Assessment) Engine for these calls, and the patient DOES require ambo transport for an ALS issue, and you are using BLS ambos, does that mean the Paramedic Engine has to now follow the BLS ambo to the hospital?
that is true, some parts of California the paramedic staffed engines do follow the ambulances to the hospital as part of the follow up process. If one of the medics is in the ambulance treating as they are enroute to care. a friend of mine up in Washington state tells me their department is limited on transport medics and the engine crews are trained in ALS do all the medical runs then calls for a medic for transport or an ambulance company if their medic unit/units are O/S.
It is already taking place as i said. The patient is assigned to an engine that arrives.
you're just not getting what is being talked about
Was wondering if you can add EMS Mobil Command to the Fire Academy for stations that have both fire and EMS
in the Fire Academy it is listed as EMS Mobile Command
There is already an ALS Engine in the game under the Ambulance vehicle list. Requires special training
That is not what we are talking about
Anyone who plays NYC will use tactical rescue trucks. The rest of the world I am not sure. But there is a use for them. Like it says above, don’t want them? Don’t buy them
LASD, it's called TCCC. Agreeing with you a very small hand full of LE agencies have Tactical Rescue along with a few federal.
found another spot in L.A. this was not on the map 2 days ago because we had an event in Covina, today it appears
This is all over my game, I closed it and re-opened it, very odd?
same in L.A. 2 roads that don't exist. Clifton Green and Andrew Townsend is jerk.
I see I can not purchase any jail cells in my police station, this screen shot is on the US server
my UK server buildings work just fine
AS far as I know you can staff stations with what ever vehicles you want and with how many people you want. There is a minimum staffing for each unit and a maximum. I realize more folks cause the mission to finish faster, but 6 people assigned to an engine is not realistic....so I change it. So, it seems you can staff as you want
and what does this comment have to do with the type of alliance I was looking for?