I'm working on finishing an LA City pack, but you're looking for county stuff next, right?
Posts by newfoundking
I know copyright law is very tangly. Even with "private" graphics packs, you can still look em up through guess and check, changing the numbers of the pack. If the sounds are stored in a similar way, this can result in the sounds being publicly distributed, even without marking them as such. While that may not seem like a lot, when members put sounds in that are supposed to never be shared or hosted elsewhere, it can create problems.
Copyright, while good intentioned, can create a nest of issues. While I didn't think of copyright for the reason to not employ customizable sounds, I think I get why Seb was hesitant.
I get what you're getting at here, but in my experience, many departments store their Mobile Command Posts at a fire hall or some similar building. For example, I could only find one of my California police departments (there's 7 right now) that don't store their Police Command Post at a Fire station.
Additionally, with the Missing Person's case, with the requirement of fire trucks as well as MCV, I built a SAR station, based off of the area's GSAR resources, making rescue engines for the crew rescue trucks and then MCV for their command post. I can't speak to America really well, but I know every Canadian jurisdiction has a GSAR team with at the very least, a command post of sorts, most also having a rescue or two. With the newest update to give units their own types, I've named these rigs as SAR Rescues too, instead of Rescue Engines, so they don't get called out to fires and stuff anymore.
I think police command posts could be a REALLY big thing if there were a police update, similar to what EMS got this year, like with a SWAT focused update or something.
I agree 100%, I hate that bloody doorbell. And if I play with the volume on when my partner's home once more, I'll be newly single xD
I remember seeing a bunch of threads around this before, but it doesn't seem to be a priority. I know there is a bit of groundwork to be done, but I think one of the biggest issues is the potential server size for audio files (generally a little bigger than pictures). Hopefully though the negligible size addition is enough to be considered
Here's some updated units:
High Rise 332 (I use it as a water tanker in game because High rise fires require a WT
HazMat 332
HazMat Support 332
2017 Spartan Metrostar -
Premium members get the auto-clear for non-needed EMS units. I've encountered an issue lately wherein that EMS Rescues count to deal with rescues, but will instantly clear if there is no patient to treat, even if a Rescue is needed on scene. I tried sending my rescue AAR, which kept picking the EMS rescue, and basically had to pick 2 rescues so it'd send a regular Heavy rescue. I don't want to disable the EMS send away, but it's basically a useless feature without this being fixed, because you can't use the EMS rescues (and we don't have fly-cars in my jurisdiction)
Got fed up with Command 30, so that's on the back burner right now. Stupid lightbar. Here's some more:
Toronto Police Services ETF 05 - Armoured Ford F350
Toronto Police Services ETF 07 - Bomb Squad Explosive Disposal Unit
Toronto Police Services ETF unmarked Dodge Caravan (Low on lights, but based off a real one)
Toronto Fire Services Spartan Advantage Pumper
Toronto Fire Services Water Tanker (only one in service, East Command) -
These look very nice. I have never got the hang on APNG.
I used to make them in photoshop, and tbh, it was a total nightmare. Easiest one to play with (also free) is photopea.com. Basically I make the vehicle, paint each light in a separate layer using regular methods, and then group the lights I want to flash synchronized in the same folder. Then, it's easy. Name each layer _a_ at the start, and at the end of the layer name, put a comma and the time you want that layer on in ms and do that with each set of lights and each folder. Works great when the headlights are on wigwag and the bar is a strobe! When it's all said and done, go under layer, animation, merge and then export it as a PNG and it'll automatically make it an APNG. By far the easiest way I've found to do it. I still do the original drawing in Photoshop because I do like it more, but photopea has much better animation rules.
Good morning! I was busy yesterday, here's a bunch more I've worked on:
Toronto Paramedic Services (Formerly Toronto EMS) Emergency Response Unit/Paramedic Response Unit/Community Paramedicine/Supervisor (They all use the same vehicle, just graphics on the back window differ)
Toronto Police Services Ford Police Interceptor Utility Stealth graphics - Used by ETF, K9 and other divisions
Toronto Police Services Ford Expedition Stealth Graphics - ETF SUV
Toronto Paramedic Services (Toronto EMS Livery) - Paramedic Ambulance 930 - Only van type ambulance in use in the department. Toronto Island Usage
Toronto Fire Services Air Light FreightlinerFinalizing a few more and then I'll have a couple more hopefully by day's end:
On the docket next are: Spartan Advantage Pumper, Box 12 (Rehab unit), Toronto Fire Unmarked Tahoe (used by CBRN Team, higher ranking officers), TFS Command 30, Water Tanker and some more ETF vehicles -
Few extras I completed over the past bit:
Eone Cyclone, used for Aerials 331, 315, etc.
Toronto Paramedic Services AmbulanceNext up: Toronto Paramedic Services Community Paramedicine/ERU Fly cars!
Here's some Toronto Police Cars
Marked CVPI with lightbar and old paintscheme
Marked Slicktop Taurus with old paintscheme
Marked Taurus with old paintscheme
Marked Taurus with new paintscheme
Marked Taurus with grey and white only paintscheme -
I've started a little work on my Toronto bases, and wanted to get some good Station logos as well as cars. Figured I'd share some of the ones I've done so far. I'm basically making the graphics as I build up buildings first, so it'll be a little all over the place at first. Enjoy!
Here's some Pumpers, Squad and TFS Car graphics, including both pushbar and non pushbar.
Pumper 331 is a 2010 Spartan Metrostar, Squad 331 is a 2012 Spartan Gladiator, and then I have an Aerial unit also on the Gladiator Chasis, a common unit.
Stay tuned for a Paramedic Services ambulance and some TPS cars
The only thing I can think rationale behind that is the call came in originally for a person down and on arrival it turned out to be an officer down instead of person.
Though I have had expanded Officer Down calls come up and they were on things like brawls or whatever, and patient numbers increase as well.
Ah, well to me that's a little different scenario, like a rescue ambulance combo unit, at least how I'd see it. I can't imagine a Lt and two FFs for just medicals, so that unit probably also would respond things that would require a rescue truck as well. We used to do similar to that here, Rescues that can transport people as well and would provide EMS. To me though, the solution to this isn't adding a third seat on ALS ambulances, but making another combo unit, Rescue Ambulance, which couples Rescue and ALS, but that opens another can of worms too. Like what happens when the patient clears before the call is finished, etc.
Additionally, if you're using Mapkit, instead of openstreetmaps, it won't work!
I just imagine an overzealous security "officer" going down, off duty police officers going down, the hundreds of non-response agencies, like Customs, Railway police, etc. going down. Police cadets tripping and going down. Animal control, etc.
I mean at this point in time, if you deal with any sort of laws, you're pretty much going down.
The only time we have 3 staff on an ambulance is if one of them is a paramedic student, OR, there's some weird kind of staff shortage and we've got an odd number of paramedics on shift, they'll stick one on as a third hand.
It'll be exciting to finally rescue a David or a Michael, instead of only German tourists!
Not sure how you plan on developing the list of names, but https://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ lets you pick people based on ethnicity and things, so you might be able to generate a bunch of first names pretty quick.
That seems to be his suggestion. Extending the station, and then splitting it up into two buildings.
I get where he's coming from, but I don't see that making sense for this game, nor in real life really.
Hi there,
Hopefully I can help out. Those Protocol codes, or Determinant codes are common in EMD and if you look up emergency medical dispatch determinant codes, you'll get quite a few resources. Obviously every agency responds a little different, like for instance, my area doesn't have fly cars at all, so sometimes you may see 2 or 3 ambulances on scene for one patient. The exact protocol that each agency uses will differ, however the EMD codes will give guidance of what resources are required.
This Site covers a little information on most of the codes, but doesn't include past 33.
This link is from Rogers, AK, and basically categorizes the call with a quick description, the determinant code (no dashes, do you can type it quicker in the find bar if you don't know them all) and also lists it as a Priority 1 (medical emergency lights and sirens) or Priority 2 (no lights and sirens) which can give you an idea if you are into triaging calls and sending resources that way. It'll also list calls as Med Transfer, Water rescue, etc. It's a good resource.This doc covers EMD Determinant codes, the history, how they work and gives a good understanding. When I did my EMD course, I got a similar module explaining the basis. It's a good tool to review.
If you have more questions specific or wanna pick my brain on something specific, PMs are open.
Sepsis can look all sorts of ways, and like TACRfan said, it's hard to determine on the phone. It might be an infection, could present as flu, breathing problems, anything. This is almost one of those calls where you could see several determinant codes used, and chances are, different EMDs might even classify the call differently. I might call it a 32-e-1 for instance.