Posts by SirHiggins

    Are you serious ? You're violating copyright laws and now you're making fun of us ? You can be glad we didn't just sued you. Maybe we should report you to the Community-Management for your behavior....

    Well no sense of humour? :/

    There were always jokes about strict german rules and sticking to those.

    The one whom i meant, will understand. But thats not you i can assure you.

    Case solved already, i dont think you have to argue me or horn in beyond that.

    No offense :D

    Have a nice day.

    Even if Gregor gave you permission, there are still a lot other graphics and parts of graphics that are not from him. Also his name appears nowhere in this thread (at least i didn't saw it). You can't just take other peoples work and say it's yours, without checking if you got a permission.

    As I've created this graphic I hold all rights of that. You are not allowed to use or republish them without my permission as it is written down in §106 of the German / European Copyright law. Even if you are in the UK (or wherever else) I'm pretty sure, these laws apply on this graphic, as I am an German Citizen and the Company owning this game is also from Germany.

    As far as i know, you have to register any works if you want them to be protected by copyright laws.

    At least these kind. You know those litthe 'c', 'tm', 'r' thingies.

    Why i should put XY names, if i have the perms?

    Your creation removed btw. And all german originated stuff as well now being removed.


    Did you ever heard about Copyright ? Apparently not. That's my graphic and you didn't asked for permission. And I'm certain, that this isn't the only stolen graphic in this thread. I would recommend deleting all graphics that are not 100% yours in order to avoid legal consequences.

    Since i've got dozens of templates -and not marked them where i got each, i thought its from Gregor - who gave me perms to use his templates.

    Sorry if this bothered you.


    +can you pls remind me where the copyrights are registered for these. I mean officially, since you mentioned legal conseqences.

    any chance for something like these, or any train related? :/

    This is kind of what I imagine. G4S offered a prisoner transport service to Lincolnshire Police up until the contract was cancelled this year

    What i've heard, these are not 'front line' units. Instead they make station-station/court etc transports.

    Am i wrong?

    Then i dont understand why some missons are locked.

    Or only the PO extension based personnel counts?

    Currently i have:

    in Newcastle

    36 L1

    6 sgt

    5 med

    2 insp

    in Penrith, Cumbria

    14 L1

    +in other bases around T&W, Northumbria: 7 sgt, 5 med

    Thx Whitchit . I might try to find some older models of PSU and use them as det van.

    +1: for PSU missions only the PSU van bounded personnel counts?

    I have the feeling that, for example the IRV bounded sgts dont.


    Have you got any info about this planned specialized stations?

    If i'm right, you'll have the 'specialized' missions only if you have these?

    Or still having them with the -now existing- extensions?

    If the latter, why this new stations?

    Or, am i missing something?


    yes, maybe, but since we cant issue transports to a specific vehicle it won't make a difference.

    thx anyways