Would you be able to take a stab at the BTP Kia EV6?
Posts by jamesmayled
Do police drone vehicles count as IRVs?
Just to be cheeky and continue the Dorset theme is there any chance of this Astra?
[Blocked Image: https://live.staticflickr.com/4335/36533078793_d0f733abcf_b.jpg]
Very small issue to point out here. The fight on train mission can spawn after 2 police stations are built, however, DSU's are stated as not being needed till after 6 police stations are built, meaning new players may find themselves unable to clear it if they're yet to purchase dog units.
It would be really good if staff could be transferred to the depots from standard police stations. Currently it means depots are a very long haul in order to get them fully staffed
Hello, can anyone assist with a 2d graphic for a paramedic motorbike? I've looked around but can't seem to find any, thanks in advance
Hello Everyone,
We are still open for recruitment and excited to welcome new players to our rapidly expanding alliance. Since our last post we have now built and fully expanded every prison across the UK and further increased our UK hospital count to 216 across all nations. These last two days we have expanded by over 28 million credits alone. So if you want a fast paced, friendly and ever-growing alliance come along and join us today!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask, through Direct Messages to DPMayled or our Alliance Founder, Andy.
Thank you for your time and we hope to see you soon at UKRC!
DPMayledInfrastructure, Mission co-ordinator,
On behalf of the UKRC Director Team
Not disagreeing with TACR as I see his point entirely but what if taser could be turned on and off like critical care. That way only those who wish to engage with it could turn it on
Anybody able to assist with this on a green border template? Or alternatively if anyone has the green template I can do it myself
Amazing, thank you!
In the grey pictured please, with the odd little lightbar
Anybody able to assist with the below BASICS doctor vehicle? The black image is just for a generic side profile view, the actual doctor car has no decals or graphics
[Blocked Image: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/0adb0c_08dc0ec65f704b3482ed9df81181e56f~mv2_d_2774_2119_s_2.jpg/v1/fit/w_419,h_320,al_c,q_80,enc_auto/file.jpg][Blocked Image: https://cdn.am-online.com/media/1/root/p1020103_w585.jpg]
Run into a minor problem when i finally decided to start updating my setup after this update.
For public order and detention vans, google come up with the same units, ie. sprinter.
Is there any difference IRL between these two types /i mean the van type/, or i should use the same graphics?
This is kind of what I imagine. G4S offered a prisoner transport service to Lincolnshire Police up until the contract was cancelled this year[Blocked Image: https://www.g4s.com/en-gb/-/media/g4s/unitedkingdom/images/public-services/policing/van-2012-3.ashx]
Thanks Vic, disappointing from the developers not to include you ahead of announcement. I've tried to make CNC, MDP, BTP setups before but unfortunately you inevitably find jobs spawning away from their realistic jurisdictions
Is there any consideration for being able to have specialised police stations whereby only railway related offences can be spawned? This would help with more accurate representation of BTP; a similar concept could be followed with CNC and MDP too if more specific missions are introduced down the line
With the introduction of the large police depot players can now more accurately replicate larger custody suites. As such would it be possible to add the ability to delete cells once built; this would enable those who want to play realistically to delete cells at police stations they were using and move over to more realistic replications using the police depots which can feature more cells?
"Flip courses the correct way (not sure what they mean by the game has them the other way)"
Regarding this, you earlier stated:
"Missions will require both trainings for the different roles at an incident. Level 2 is the highest, level one being lower and will be used for most low level disorder type missions. L1 will most likely end up being used more than 2 over time as and when more missions are added"
What I meant is in reality L1 is the higher skillset than L2. L1 would be less often used than L2 IRL. -
I think the reason l3 was not added was due to not needing to over complicate it, as i personally will feel overwhelmed with the amount of traiing needed for lv3 as well
Yeah I agree or L3 should have been standard for all staff and not a training course. The main issue is the fact level 2 in game is higher than level 1 when it should be the opposite
@TACRfan I'm 99% sure this mistake is on the devs but PSU training levels work in reverse.
Currently the game has level 2 as highest, however, in reality it goes 3->1:
Level 3: Beat Duty
Level 2: PSU
Level 1: Specialist public order resources