Posts by manfromcny

    I just found discovered today that if the mission "requires" smokejumpers you have to send them by plane. I had a mission today that required "20 Smokejumpers". I had Brush Trucks in that area with all folks trained as Hot Shots and Smokejumpers, so I sent 10 brush trucks more than the 5 required on mission (meaning there would be 20 smokejumpers there. But it still would not finish until I sent a plane with smoke jumpers.

    yeah - smoke jumpers - jump (parachute) into some areas that are inaccessible to land crews ( similar to SWAT only counted in SWAT vehicles)

    a few tips - train all your wildland staff as hotshots - also buy a crew carrier and train that staff as hotshots - and when you build an airborne firefighting station - and get smokejumper plans going - cross train all smokejumpers as hotshots too ( the larger calls require many hotshot trained)

    i like the concept in general - my change would be to make it as a warden spim off - but allow wardens to have say a type 4 or 5 engine to their warden truck?? Since the devs have gone and added Hvy. rescues to both PD and EMS

    just a small insight - the fire investigator could also be doing some initial work for the FAA which would be responding to investigate the plane creah, granted there is no FAA unit in game , but i digress

    In today's world when Command Post Units respond, the folks that are managing them are "All Hazards IMT Trained". At least in Fla

    IRL id agree, but in game - no - only because - as stated earlier - 2 trained in EMS chief covers the requirement, and the EMS chief is needed anyway, plus it would only really work if the specific fd station has the ambo extension

    i agree with the fire based trailers - but not the EMS, riot police, or police atv trailers,( unless they are in a complex together) though the fire service should get their own ATV trailer

    have noticed all weekend that units are being dropped from calls across the board.. Not just medical. But mission showing patients such as active shooter, i have sent Ambulances and go back later and none are there and mission says still needed. Same with various fire equipment. Sent Battalion Chiefs only to go back and see they are not there and still needed for mission

    if you do use rescue ambos - that might be the issue - many in my alliance have had this and I have reported to devs and game mods

    I agree with most of your points - but disagree with fd command unit being able to cover EMS command - to me is redundant as you can have 2 EMS command in an EMS chief unit - which has to respond to any call requiring EMS command anyway ( due to number of patients involved

    It would also be nice if alliances admins could create more than just 1 because when you have your weekly mission and daily mission overlap it would be nice to have at least 2.

    just ask one of the admins - they might not always think of it, i dont but im more than happy to build more to help members

    think of the police commander as a police CPT. or deputy chief - there to supervise the supervisors - usually Sgt or LT, i do agree the fed extension is useless , and even more so requiring it to have a bomb squad - as many pd have their own bomb squad with no fed presence in their sytem, i also agree on the k-9 carriers - iv never seen or heard of one at all in any pd system - only single dog and handler in 1 unit, the tac rescue unit sounds similar to NYC ESU from what i understand about them - they are SWAT and rescue trained

    Just wondering - why need 3 wildland MCC with only 2 wildland engines - sounds a lot like tooooooooo many chiefs not enough firefighters.. there should also be to versions - 1 for urban and 1 for rural - as pictured avove - very doubtful any wildland mcc would be needed in the middle of NYC

    I posted here since this thread relates to firefighting plane stations. Why is it that even though I have the wildland extension active for Wildland Air Command for lead planes, I can not move a lead plane from one station to the other? The station I want to move it to is active but it does not even show up in the list. In fact, it does not appear you can move a plane or helicopter of any time in the firefighting stations from one to the other?

    might need the extension for each air station??