Posts by gorilla

    First run through doing the new courses tonight and well we do really now need improvements with starting alliance courses.

    Ability to set off multiple schools would be great or even changing to that we can preset the wait time and costs instead of having to edit that for each school.

    The ideal one would be a way to call up schools in list format showing the rooms on it with a dropdown for room 1 and a button saying all rooms same then the fee can be set to what ever for all schools same.

    A quick idea in screenshot below.

    The pink highlights would be options that need to be selected at a minimum.

    Green highlights that these could automatically fill based on responses to the check boxes under all rooms.

    The blue is options that open up based on check boxes for the courses

    Under the cost and start time one the blue means it is editable if you want but would be automatically set by what is put at the top.

    Every free school could be displayed in the list. This would make it more user friendly and easier to run courses for alliances.

    Hi all. Please help. I’ve just started the game a few days ago. So far have a police station, fire station and just built my first ambulance station. Was going well for a while but now my missions require critical care. Reading up it looks like I need to train someone in that but how? Or can I leave it to time out. So far I’ve used adverts to skip but limit is one per day and used all the in game currency for the rest. Seems every mission atm requires this and I can’t resolve it

    If you join an alliance you will get help. Cover them and also get help to train staff.

    This does need addressed as it is a pain, I've noticed it as been adding OSU pods in will also be adding few others,

    I'm not wanting to have to begin a full rewrite of my aarr and custom categories as it's already majorly customised now.

    People need to start accepting that full realism is not going to be practical for the game.

    Realistic locations is only going to work so far things like Fire Stations, Police Stations, Ambulance Stations, Hospitals and Clinics can be placed realistically.

    Police Aviation you can try being realistic if you wish but you will soon struggle as you get multiple calls.

    HEMS is still not worth the hassle really.

    HART yeah play realistic, that clear that is is not going to work really from the outset as most large calls need it. From what I've worked out you need 3 or 4 times what is in real life.

    Realistic units in stations anyone doing that is definitely holding themselves back.

    If the game stuck to realism you wouldn't be getting all these majors everyday you wouldn't be having the multiple firearm incidents. To be perfectly honest if game was realistic you would get board very quickly.

    This mission doesn't need changed leave it alone. If people want realism then kidnapping doesn't happen all the time so shouldn't really miss it.

    Don't want to cover multiple areas then accept you will be limited to what calls you get.

    I've still not had a nuclear call, meet requirements and all the have poi but I couldn't care as really it's not a call that would be happening multiple times a day.

    Ah ok, I don’t know much about EEAST. I have a similar BRC vehicle and would use it as a welfare vehicle, simply because Mass Cas Eqp is more SORT which is a resource charities tend not to have. But upto you

    I use to be part of the Red Cross and well that emergency equipment is most likely a kettle and that's it. It will have a few response kits which would be mostly first aid kits nothing else really. Maybe a stretcher and a ancient scoop board that is that old it could feature on the Antiques Roadshow.

    Always found the big vans and units like this absolutely useless really. When I was there I could have my unit (typically a land rover or the small mini bus) packed with all the kit I'd need and some extras. Always was more prepared and in order than these response vehicles that rarely moved unless it was being dragged off for a major event like T in the Park.

    Not exactly end of the world is it?

    We have got a load of seasonal ones that appeared this week for New Year. They are more than enough and really make up for the lack of a Monday Mission.

    I can send up to 80 units before my game freezes and fails, maybe it's player-side?

    I can send 80 ish to my own calls but on staging areas (unless they are my own) it's usually 20 to 30. Doubt it's an issue my end as it is going to the generic error message from the game. I've had plenty errors and faults that come up and do not throw out any feedback from the game just get a message from browser about the error.

    This seriously needs looked at as if we send over 20 to 30 units to a staging area at once we get an error and the units fail to send.

    Also this can happen on shared calls and our own calls although for your own calls the number of units is a lot higher.

    Can this be looked at and improved in the New Year. It's not majorly urgent just more of a inconvenience.

    HEMS is the biggest pain in the game just now and the most expensive.

    I have them but for now all they are uses as is a critical care unit. I've switched them all off as if there on it's a headache as almost every call needs at least one.

    People shouldn't feel the need to give them holidays on suggestions. The guy was trying to give his ideas and ask questions and in no way invalidated the update we received.

    So just keep going to them with a suggestion that was clearly already been taken up and a update given previously.

    The forum and dev team deserve a break and well people should consider and respect that.

    We will get further updates next year and police will likely be the main one sorted out then. There is absolutely no rush for this to be done and really could have been left out the conversation about the foam update.

    Could you not give the team a bit of a break really?

    It is announced that Police will be seen to at some point most likely 2022.

    As to foam update great to see it available in small stations now makes it 1000x easier for me to organise.

    Mind you double credits made me enough for over half my set up and I'm now skint lol.

    Could HVP use POI's? Such as lake, river and new ones such as hydrant points? I understand it would take a bit of work but if players have a lake or hydrant POI then certain missions requiring HVP could generate nearby, meaning it's less of a gimmicky appliance and players will have more of an incentive to train and buy them, other than the possible flood missions.

    Don't like the idea of restricting calls that use the HVP to places that only have a large body of water.

    They can be set up to deliver water to a scene and that can be miles between water source and scene.

    Right, but you have multiple, different PODs and 1 PM for them.

    What if you want to send an MDU/MDR (meaning: hazmat) POD, then a HVP?

    You'll reassign the personnel? Not very fluent gamewise.

    This is the exact problem I will have unless I train in all 3 needed for the pods.

    It's just annoying really. I certainly do not want to have to continually reassign staff which would be more annoying.

    Couldn't a more fluid system have been done that would make it easier.

    A great update and one that is needed but doesn't seem well executed.

    Honestly I’m not sure, I did just tell them this pod should have this education and then they implemented it the way they did so maybe it’s the only possible way with how they have done it.

    Thanks fornthe reply.

    Greatful for the addition but just feel the education side is a bit messed up. Yeah correct courses ect for the pods (we'll excuse that there are pods missing certain ones as that would screw us even more). I can manage by training PM crews in everything it's just a pain really. Would have been better just to have PM crew drop off pod at scene to be used by the trained staff there, but hey it will do as is. We can work around it.

    Great to have this update, it will be great to role out.

    Just on the pod system, education and assigned staff.

    Just now I'm having to assign trained staff to the PM and not the pod. This although not disastrous is a bit of a pain as going to most likely triple train staff for the PMs as they will need Hazmat, Mobile Command and HVP if you make full use of the PM and pod system. My understanding of the pods are they are delivered to a scene for use by trained crews there and the delivery crew are unlikely to be trained in enhanced roles, especially as the PMs drop the pods off and often return to base to collect other pods that are needed or often taken of scene to free up space so the crew are not going to be there really. They literally just deliver and pick up pods.

    So wouldn't it be better to bin the trained staff requirements or change it to make it an additional education for the pod system alone?

    Or is it a game mechanics issue that prevents this and for it to work it needs to be this way?

    when would this fire update likely be added, given that it's been popping up on other servers.

    I get there is a need to make it UK specific but will the devs actually bother to listen to this or will they just forge ahead and release what other servers have.

    Will it make use of the AARF training course too?