Posts by Doormatt

    I have noticed a few times and it just did it to me again! Where I send a Unit that I know is at the staging area and the ARR sends a Unit 2 1/2 hours away instead! So I phisically have to Click on the staging area, find the vehicle I need and then manually send it from there! The ARR should be sending the closer units that are at the staging area! It's not ALL vehicles, just 1 or 2, but it is such a pain to then have to find them all manually!

    I am now getting fed up of this! It has been going on for too long with NO FIX It has been reported so many times and a get a lot every day! A lot of people have told me to just wait 24hrs and they will clear which is ok, but if you wait for them to clear off, you Do Not Get the rewards and they are now adding up!!

    At 575 Credits per patient, I am losing around 22000 - 25000 Credits per week This HAS to be FIXED!!

    I got 4 of these un-transferable patients in the last hour!! It's getting rediculous!!!

    I understand what you are saying and I realize this is the AUS forum, but I think across the board in the game, the concept is that the first arriving unit (first responder) begins patient care.

    I understand that, and I have posted about this being a problem in the UK Forum! Take the Injured person stuck on a High Volatage Mast! The first responder should NOT be climbing the Mast without proper equipment that is carried by the HART team or a Fire Arial Appliance! The Ambulance always takes casualty to hospital BEFORE they arrive! This should be treated like a Lifeboat mission where ALL units have to arrive BEFORE patients are treated!

    There must be a way for the Devs to apply this as it does with other missions!

    When setting up the ARR, did you select from the Ambulance tab or the Own vehicle tab?? I had the same issue, but i realised I had set up my ARR's incorrectly! You have to set it up from the "Own Vehicle Category" tab, or they do not work!

    Edit the vehicle with own vehicle category, for example - Patient Transport, click the box to say -

    Only dispatch vehicle as own vehicle class. (If this box is ticked then the vehicle will only be dispatched as the custom class. If you wish to still have this vehicle dispatched as it’s original class as well, leave this unticked). Then set up the ARR from the Own vehicle Category Tab.

    That worked for me so hopefully will for you too :)

    I don't have an Issue Recalling vehicles or deleting The Staging Areas, but I have noticed that a couple of units still Spawn from where the Staging area used to be, even though showing back at original station.

    RRVs will clear non-inj falls and any other missions with 0% probability of transport. They can clear any ambulance mission so long as the patient doesn't need transporting.

    Can't help with 2 cos I've ignored that update, but, is the requirement for two midwife trained staff or two vehicles?

    I have sent RRV's, but it still requests an ambulance! I had 1 today which is why I posted!

    (ALL my RRV's are trained in Critical Care and Specialist Paramedic)

    It just says 2 Community Midwives, but if you send one vehicle it requests another!

    2 questions:

    1. Why does a non injury fall need an ambulance to attend?? Surely an RRV or JRU can attend instead, as that is what would attend in UK Real Life!

    2. Why do most of the midwife missions require 2 x Community Midwife vehicles and 2 x Ambulances?? Seams a bit Overkill! In the UK you are lucky if a midwife attends the birth, normally just an ambulance will attend! Each midwife vehicle holds 2 x mid widwives so a total of 8 x people for 1 Baby Birth is Too Much! You only need 1 x Midwife vehicle and 1 x Ambulance MAX!

    In the UK version you can have 1 x HEMS Helicopters and 5 x HEMS RRV Cars per Medical Helicopter Station with Extentions to allow a further 2 Helicopters per station so a total of 3 Helis and 5 RRV's with a Fully Expanded Station.

    Helicopters can have 1 - 5 personel, but RRV's can only have 1 which i feel should be allowed to have more (min 2 Max 3 personel at least 1 x Doc and 1 x Paramedic)

    For example EPIRB Activation (offshore) mission and a patient going untreated, that patient is being covered by a coastguard heli that does have critical care. To correct this, I have to cancel that heli, and force the patient to transfer to another unit

    Thus allowing for treatment of the patient and the completion of the mission. If the patients cannot be treated and only transported by the helis, then they need some form of blocker, to force patients onto lifeboats first. If they can treat patients, then they may currently be bugged.

    I get the same Issue where one Coastguard Heli or one Lifeboat picks up ALL the casualties, but does not start any treatment what so ever!! I have to cancel that unit so patients get transfered to other Units before treatment starts!

    I also have issues once the patient has been transfered to Lifeboat station where I have sent an Ambulance to and has treated the patient, but does not ask for Transport Request! This then holds the patient until the mission has timed out! So Missing Rewards for patient Transfers!

    This has been a long time bug that needs fixing and this is not the first time I have raised this issue!