Posts by DragonBlade

    Look in the dispatch center for that area and under the vehicle tab and see if they are listed there. If one of them is code 6 it won't show up on a dispatch ticket.

    It's because 4h2 call misses the police station requirement and also has police units 9n it, it shouldn't also not everyone wants to play with police

    Yeah and it is missing police stations. which can cause problems for players that play fire/ems set up.

    Yes but that's not the case here as he/she has police. He/she is just missing half of the required patrol cars hence my advise above which was tailored to the induvial and their particular issue.

    This isn't a bug. If you have 25 fire stations and 20 EMS stations then it will generate this mission no matter how many vehicles you have. Since this is one of the highest paid mission with 35k average pay out. Why not just buy the additional patrol car to reach the 12 required for the mission. Between the mission plus what you'll get for the patients you'll make the credits back fairly quickly.

    ok.... how do I do that? I do not see any option or anywhere it states "random Traction vehicle"

    Look at the pic you posted above. It's in the square you draw on it above the tow vehicle selection line. If it is checked the tow vehicle drop down won't be there.

    I have not found the answer to this so I will ask.. When you choose the option of "recruit" and then select "Recruit for 3 days"....Does that mean at the end of 3 days you have 3 new people or just one for the 3 day period?

    You'll get 1 person each day the recruitment runs rather it's 1 day, 2 days or 3 days.

    oh so they are working on getting new ways to get coins

    Currently, if you login every day, on the 7th day you will get one (1) coin. Throughout the year such as spring, Christmas, and other holidays there are events that prompt you to earn an extra coin or two.

    If you do the daily from a mobile device the reward is doubled if you watch the video.

    The payout listed for each mission is the average pay out not the actual pay out.

    The simple solution would be the following alliance policy change.

    Charge members 400-500 for academy courses and 50% tax on all alliance prisons and hospitals. Then give discounts to members based on their rate of contribution rate. (Example: Give a discount of 10% for every 1% contribution rate the member give. This gives them the incentive to give at the 10% rate. The discount can easily be set by an admin or co admin. This would require routinely checking the member roster incase a member increases or decreases their contribution rate.

    I just started playing yesterday.. anyone know how i can connect my account in phone to pc? pc in windows while phone is apple, is that why i couldn't play on multiple devices?

    On your web browser go to either or and use the same login you use on your mobile device.

    You've had missions requiring an engines and or platform trucks. The Quint covers for both the type1 and the platform truck. Example: Cat stuck in a tree requires an engine and a platform truck. You can send just the Quint in place of the engine and platform truck.

    My suggesting would be to delete EMS station. If it's less than 24 hrs old you can get a refund. Concentrate on building fire stations and waiting on everything else until you have 20 fire stations. The reason I say this is simply the fire missions pay the most when just starting out. I know this most likely is not what you want to hear, but is the easiest way to go.

    just for attacking the problem from a different angle - lets go with fast mission generation - 1 mission every 30 sec - so 2 missions a minute - 120 for 1 hour - now with 58 stations+ 1 - 59 - you should see maxing out in about 40 min( not perfect math i know) - assuming you dont respond to any - now if you start responding from the start - you might never reach max. the previous also assumes that you 58 stations are all 1 type - ie all fire departments - if you have a mix then the total max will be lower based on the largest amount of a specific station - ie 15 FD, 10 PD , 16 EMS - then your total would be 16+ 1 = 17

    Get the premium account and you can missions every 20 sec. if you want.