Posts by Morvran

    As it currently stands, Home Response Locations can be used for all 3 primary discliplines, but no matter what vehicle is located in the HRL, it appears in the rescue tab. It would be great to either be able to manually assign a "role" for the building or it to auto assign based upon the vehicle assigned to the HRL. So Ambulance officers would apppear under rescue and Fire officers under firehouse, etc

    I have six regional dispatch centres (South east, south west, Wales, etc.). I don't honestly know whether it makes any difference, one national one would do the same job I think.

    I also have a dispatch centre for not ready or remote stations which is turned off so limits call spawning in odd places.

    Yeah, that was kinda my approach, except there is the "Coverage area" option that might be ideal in avoiding having large scale missions spawn miles away from where the assets are located. But yeah, leaving SAR stuff in its own dispatch centre because sometimes i can get overwhelmed with certain mission types

    I currently have dispatch centres deployed for each organisation, i.e Dorset & Wiltshire F&RS has a dispatch centre, Dorset police has one and the entirity of SWASTF has one, but Im starting to hit the limitations of this and wondering how others deploy dispatch centres? Is it better to have one per county, for all disciplines or seperated like i've started with? Currently finding it getting more and more messy as I expand into neighbouring counties

    ILB Question

    I currently have 3x Lifeboat operators and 1x Crit Care personel assigned to an ILB. Does the crit care personel need to be Lifeboat operator too?


    Currently the "Rescue boat assist coastguard, persons cut off by tide" Requires an ILB trailer and you can't just use an ILB. Is this just limitations of SAR Part 1 and so is a bodge solution for now, or is it possible we could get this mission changed to allow for ILBs to be deployed instead of the trailer version?

    I've been tweaking my setup and expanding coastguard stations but just got 3 Major evacs in 10 mission spawns, 2 almost back to back. So I definetly think something isnt quite right.

    HEMS needs overhauled majorly.

    It needs reintroduced to calls but make it so that it is a % chance on calls that's needed and then calls that have loads of patients make it so that only a % of patients need it.

    They also need to be able to act as a full ambulance too so they can be sent to do patient transfer calls this would be really good for folk playing remote areas where transfers to specialist hospitals is needed.

    Total overhaul of ambulances, with the addition of advanced paramedics and doctors, then yeah, HEMS requirement would be cool (though i'd have HEMS requirement be completeable by both HEMS and HEMS Cars) but just adding HEMS requirements to current missions without any other chnages would suck. Though yeah, I do agree in removing ambulance requirements or change it so that RRV was sufficient would be a nice QoL change, though I dont know how realistic that would be

    Don’t waste your credits I had them running out of HART base to be used at jobs with high number of critical care and it could only treat one person. No point using thrm

    Income isn't much of concern for me at the moment, but yeah, Not gunna deploy too many yet then. Might scatter a few about for RP. Thank you though

    Before i go through every single one of my buildings adding these to buildings one at a time, is there a faster way of doing it?

    p.s great work by the way, these look really great

    My only concern with Helipads is that it would likely also need HEMS missions as well, and whilst Im not entirely opposed to this, I do quite like not having to worry about my HEMS capacity. At the moment they are an entirely optional unit, helpful and great for RP, but could be completely ignored if you wanted too. I have enough issues with not having enough NPAS units at times at the moment. If/when we get the ambulance update, and HEMS because more valuable, then it might be a nice addition, but im fairly certain all hospitals with MTC have a helipad out of necessity and so I'd just consider it bundled with that. Though I wouldnt be opposed to them not being able to transport to a clinic

    Quick question, with the Crew Carriers, specifically those from HART/Ambulance Stations, do they treat multiple patients at time, or do they just class as a single unit? and if not, what is their functionality in game at the moment?

    A pediatric speacialist hospital could be a cool addition, if we had the addition of missions that needed it, but the rest of the speacialisations is already in game, but I think what we more need is a UK overhall of hospital departments as what we've got is just a copy of the departments found in the US version, wouldnt be major changes, but enough, like having a "major trauma department"

    this is exactly what ive just posted up myself! Also i think having say 40 beds for the hospital is pretty lousy considering some hospital have in excess of 1000 beds at their sites so maybe they should increase the hospitals bed sizes to what ever the player wants say like have a limit of 2000- just a thought

    My interpretation of current hospitals we have in game is not the entire hospital but rather just the A&E/Trauma centre for the hospital, which is why we have only 40 beds and a patient "clears" every hour, I think of them moving to an actual ward. That being said, I am struggling a lot at the moment with hospital capacity and have been building a lot more to manage the demand. I think an overhaul is in the works at some point, with mentions of some improvements with wise to ambulances and stuff as well, but I think its a long way down the line.

    Thank you, It might just be my set up, I've got 15 life boat stations and 3 heli hangars but only 8 Coastguard stations, so prehaps I dont have my set up balanced right. I do think I need expand my coastguard stations more, prehaps that will help it calm down by getting more of the other types of SAR missions instead

    I've recently expanded to the point where I can get the the "Evactuation from Cruise liner MAJOR" missions and their spawn rate seems to be a bit insane. I don't know if its just my set up or just bad RNG but i've currently got 7 instances of the mission and had to hard expand a third air base to bring myself up to 6 Helis just to try and handle it. Just seems this Major missions has an unusally high spawn rate compared to most major missions, and feels to be about 1/4 RNLI Missions.

    Anyone else noticing this? Or is it just bad luck?

    With the addition of rope rescue teams. Could it be a good idea to give old missions like the "stuck climber" mission a new variant requiring a rope rescue team to be deployed?