Posts by Danny

    I haven’t had any time to do anything game related this week. I have reported that they aren’t spawning and the missions are working on their end.

    Simplify and briefly summarise the above messages just so I can go back to them please

    Hi tacrfan

    I have a extensive setup got all the requirements but not getting the prison calls I have completed hundreds of calls.

    They just keep saying there is nothing wrong and it is just random.

    But I don’t have this problem with any other calls which have been produced.



    I guess will just have to wait and hope it is fixed soon.

    I think we just need to leave that conversation there what’s the point in arguing.

    I personally just want to see a new update ie SAR something fresh something new.

    Whilst I agree that it would make sense, I feel that we've waited so long for it to be fixed that we should be happy it's done.

    I'm not sure if it's doable, I'm sure it is but we've wanted it fixed for a long time, to then just go and ask for it to be changed again surely won't help with relations with the DEVs?

    I have to agree I think if it’s fixed then let’s look at moving on I would rather they focused on bringing out SAR or something like fire officer rankings.

    As we haven’t had much in the way of updates this year and it would be good to get one.

    Coastguard is part of the UK SAR framework alongside Mountain Rescue, Lowland Rescue and Cave Rescue.

    To give an update, things are looking slightly more positive. I hope to properly work something out with the devs next week. But for this weekend it’s time to chill out

    Hi tacrfan

    Just wondering if u had had discussions with the devs yet this week and if they were positive.

    I hope our update when it comes out is as good as the life guard update on the American version as I see they have had another update today.

    Coastguard is part of the UK SAR framework alongside Mountain Rescue, Lowland Rescue and Cave Rescue.

    To give an update, things are looking slightly more positive. I hope to properly work something out with the devs next week. But for this weekend it’s time to chill out

    Thank u for answering my question that’s perfect.

    U enjoy your weekend 👍

    I have agreed with the devs to focus on Search and Rescue next and put airports on the back burner. I will fight for this to be as true to UK SAR as I possibly can

    Hi tacrfan

    Does that mean that they are not looking at coastguard anymore.

    I have agreed with the devs to focus on Search and Rescue next and put airports on the back burner. I will fight for this to be as true to UK SAR as I possibly can

    Thank u tacrfan I personally am really looking forward to seeing search and rescue added.

    I also think u do a great job and thank u for the work u do.