Posts by SanniHameln

    Should be fixed by the developers with the next deploy. Thank you in any case for the tip.

    (No, I'm not in the team at the company, but I have contact there through the LSS manager)

    Yes, there was an error in the Requirments on the part of GameDesign. The missions were taken out again for the time being until the developers fixed it. But I will pass on the thread.

    There are funny missions at almost every seasonal event now. This is one of them. I don't know that the team did the same in the US and NL. Actually, I had only planned or created and suggested this mission for Germany, where it also came online and there have been no complaints about it to date. And this mission is now only available for 5 days. 5 days where perhaps the hospitals are a little fuller (at the patient event quite well now). You can make a mountain out of every molehill. Have a little fun, that there are also such funny missions ^^

    Es gibt jetzt fast bei jeden saisonalen event komische einsätze. Auch dieser ist einer. Dass das Team die auch in US und NL getan haben weiß ich auch nicht. Eigentlich hatte ICH diesen Einsatz nur für DE geplant bzw. erstellt und vorgeschlagen, wo er auch online kam und es bis dato keine beschwerden drüber gibt. Und es gibt diesen Einsatz jetzt auch nur 5 Tage. 5 Tage wo vlt. mal die Krankenhäuser ein wenig voller sind(Beim Patienten Event doch jetzt ganz gut). Man kann auch aus jeder Mücke einen Elefanten machen. Habt doch ein wenig spaß, das es auch solche komischen einsätze gibt ^^

    The 2 from the announcement.

    Then you can mute alliance threads now.

    An alliance admin can set that the thread cannot be muted.

    Something else for admins. Search in the protocol.

    And you can see the missions when you are in a car. You can see from the icon whether you are already participating or not.

    Otherwise I have not noticed anything for the time being

    No, what is written in the Facebook update text of applies to all worlds except Germany. Therefore, what buggs wrote about the owner role is there on all worlds.

    Even the community team is unsure what it is and we are still trying to find out what it does or affects.

    I just wish we could make complexes of just 1 building type to allow us to build hq's.


    I'll put you out of your misery.

    The vehicle efficiency at the complex brings a percentage faster processing of the operations for the cars that are there, depending on the expansion stage of the complex.

    For The German People here


    Ich erlöse euch mal.

    Die Vehicle Efficiency beim Complex, bringt bei den Autos die dort stehen, je nach ausbaustufe des complexes eine Prozentuale schnellere abarbeitung bei den Einsätzen.


    Dear LSSM users,
    You've been waiting a long time for the day when the V4 is finally released! Today it is finally here! 🎉🎉
    The V4 can now be used by everyone. It should be mentioned that the V4 is currently only a supplement to the V3.

    Both can run parallel. (But it is recommended to avoid duplications :smirk:)

    But we think you want to use it and not read 3 pages:

    At you can find the download link for the V4

    and at you can find the docs for the V4 with all the other useful information :thumbup:

    If there is anything that is not answered in the docs or something similar, you can always contact us in the forum and via the United Dispatch Discord Server!

    A big THANKS to all our beta-testers and translators!

    With much joy,
    your LSSM-Team.

    The picture is now from France, but you will find the pumpkins next to the mission name. Click on it and then the window reloads itself and you have "collected" it


    • Screenshot_43.png

    This is no fault of the game. And no mistake on the part of the LSS Manager either.
    You only have the option of : "Show if the Heavy Rescue can process the mission" with the LSS Manager.
    There are some missions where an RSU can replace a fire truck. And this mission is one of them

    But yes, we will adapt the text again with tomorrow's update (upsi :D)

    LSS-Manager V.4



    in the brand new thread for LSS-Manager in its 4th version!

    LSS-MANAGER V.4 (LSSM V.4) is an extension for,, and many other localized versions.

    With this extension, an appstore is added to the game, allowing the usage of modules. You can decide which modules to activate.

    Deactivated plugins are not loaded into your browser, for better performance.

    Information about LSSM

    Version 4 currently is a supplement to V.3. With the time, we plan to implement all features into the new version, each in a better way.

    Our Wiki for V.4: (Comparison V3 vs. V4)

    Installation: USERSCRIPT (Tampermonkey required, see Wiki for detailled instructions)



    donate voluntarily:


    in general LSSM Settings, you can choose to use the beta version instead of stable. You will get updates immediately but they may also contain more bugs than on stable.

    Thank you very much for your constant great support! Feel free to share this thread with friends and (gaming) buddies, also in the other language versions of the game.a

    For questions about V.4 we are of course available here and on our Discord server.

    Your LSS-Manager Team.

    but the Dozer also has an existence justification. If the dozer is on site, the mission is 2% faster. Per dozer it is 2% each. If there are 3 dozers on site, the mission is 6% faster.

    aber der Dozer hat auch eine dasseins berechtigung. Wenn dieser vor ort ist, arbeitet sich der einsatz 2% schneller ab. Pro Dozer sind es jeweils 2%. Heißt sind 3 Dozer vor Ort, arbeitet sich der einsatz 6% schneller ab.