Posts by jxn_30
Sometimes it works for me, sometimes I also get the Serverfehler. I will forward this to the game team, so that they can investigate that in the new year.
Hmm, I just tried it to confirm that the Link is correct and it worked without any server error
You can use the Game APIs therefore (only possibly relevant ones listed here):
Distance traveled of each vehicle:
All possible Missions:
Alliance Event types and their missions:, that helps
The discount only applies to the "Taxes" you pay on trainings, hospitals and cells at buildings built from alliance funds. It does not influence the contribution rate at all.
Thanks for the update, and I understand that with the internet there are always issues. But, respectfully I am pleading that we get this fixed and provide those of us that are playing with some bonus points or something when the fix is done. Absolutely aggravating and frustrating to have the screen lock and crash after almost every action you take. Now we have also lost the LSSM V4 extension(disappeared this morning) and that makes it somewhat more difficult to deploy units as they are now all grouped and more difficult to find. Please, before I get beat up over the comment on the LSSM.V4, I COMPLETELY understand that it is not part of MISSION CHIEF, but it is an available extension and it does enhance/improve game play.. Additionally, I continue to get a pop up saying that the server issue relates to "enhanced POI", so I am not sure what that means. The game worked fine this morning for about an hour or so and now crashes every few minutes depending on what you are trying to do. Trying to complete the special and daily tasks in this mode of error is excruciatingly painful to a point where I am ready to just say forget it and log out. But I play daily all day (even at work when I can). I love the game and appreciate the efforts but can we PLEASE get a fix? Respectfully....
LSSM Server unfortunately crashed today and we cannot do anything than wait for updates from the hosting company atm.
Please consult for up-to-date online status or visit our discord server (
Regarding the thing with enhancedPOI, please provide a screenshot of that popup once LSSM is back.
maybe it was hacked and shut down?
Sorry, but this is nonesense!
Does anyone know what happened to the LSSM V4 in US Version? I know it is not "part of mission chief" but I have used it forever and yesterday it just stopped working and has not returned. Normally I thought it had to do with their server and it just comes back, but that is not the case this time. I checked and do have Tampermonkey extension. I have logged out, closed mission chief, closed browser, cleared the cache and browser and it still has not reappeared.
Appreciate any help.
Are you using Chrome or another chromium Browser (Edge, Opera, Brave, etc.)?
Then you must enable developer-mode in order to execute userscripts (Google does Google things 🙄).
Either use Firefox (Firefox is better anyways) or enable developer mode (menu->extensions->developer mode).
The renaming feature does not exist yet in LSSM Version 4. However you can operate version 3 and version 4 in parallel.
Enabling a feature in both versions (if it exists in both), that may lead to issues, so try to avoid this
I'm having an issue finding the Dispatch Center options that "Create your own coverage area". Did they remove this feature? I'm runnning into an issue that a separate dispatch centre is asking for tow trucks 6 hours away.... This was never a problem before. how do i correct this?
You can find the option when editing the dispatch center (the button with the pen at the very bottom of a dispatch center page).
This is a known issue and game team has already confirmed they're on this on german forum:…1968#post521968
the cost in credits changes exponentially
Na, it's changing logarithmic → it's growing slower with each new station
the cost right now in credits for a small station is approximatley 1/2.
It's always half of the price of a normal station. However, small stations are capped to one million credits. The price to expand a small station to a normal sized one is always the difference to what you would have payed if you bought a normal sized station immediately. So you will never loose or save money when building small stations and upgrade them later
The team reported that they're currently working on a solution to make the two map tile servers more asynchronous so that one of them is few days behind. This will allow them to react faster and take the map tile server that contains the spoiled data offline whithout any impact on the rest of the game. (source (german)).
I personally hope that the vandalisms on OSM are ending soon. It's sad that people are misusing open communities to let out their asshole-being.
Pressing n on your keyboard is a hotkey to press the orange "Not all vehicles are shown. Load more vehicles" button.
This button appears as initially, only 250 vehicles are loaded in the mission window due to performance reason. Each time pressing this button loads up to 1000 more vehicles.
As ARRs fully work on client side (immediately in your browser or in the App, they don't communicate with the game server to select vehicles), it can only select vehicles that are already loaded thus an ARR may not select vehicles that are "further away".
I personally use dispatch centers to organise my game better (e.g. i got a dispatch center for all of my fire schools, one for all my rescue schools, etc.).
Also you can (as PBCFireBuff already mentioned) use them to steer how missions are generated.
You can read how exactly that works here:
For the sake of completeness:
Mission generation:
* Generating building is assigned to a dispatch center with its own coverage area => only buildings of this dispatch center count towards the minimum requirements!
* Generating building is not assigned to a dispatch center => all buildings of the entire account (independent of dispatch centers) count towards the minimum requirements.
* Generating building is assigned to a control centre without its own coverage area => All buildings of the entire account (independent of dispatch centers) count towards the minimum requirements.
Important: Distances do not influence the generation of missions in the first place. A mission can be generated within a certain secret radius X around a station (e.g. Fire missions around fire stations). As long as the other requirements in the respective coverage area (see above) are fulfilled, the mission can be generated. Regardless of whether these are 2 miles, 500 miles or several thousand miles away.
Important information about patients:
Patients can appear if an ambulance station or active ambulance extension is within a maximum distance of 15km (source, german). Coverage areas are irrelevant here.
Ambulance station and active ambulance extensions that are assigned to a disabled control centre no longer generate patients since 27 March 2023 and are no longer included within this 15km radius. source, german
Disabled dispatch centers:
If a dispatch center is disabled, the buildings assigned to it can no longer generate operations; the above-mentioned cases for minimum requirements are independent of this.
but how accurate would the personal number be
100% accurate. It sums up how much staff you got at each building.
and what are the Max Missions?
This is how many own missions you can have at maximum concurrently. Your missions list (emergency missions) is capped at a certain length, depending on how many stations you got. On beta there is also a new field that says how many own planned missions you can have at maximum [there is no ETA when stable will get beta features as there sometimes are performance issues].
Hope that answers your questions
You could try using and
They are in JSON format but there are ways to convert them to CSV. Table calculation software (such as excel) often can also import JSON files (however I do not know anything about how).
found another spot in L.A. this was not on the map 2 days ago because we had an event in Covina, today it appears
Please try clearing the cache of your browser (Ctrl+Shift+Del works in many common browsers) and reloading the game afterwards. Be aware to only delete your cache and not cookies, history etc.
At least, I was not able to reproduce this and get an image with this spoiled data, so I expect this to be a local caching issue.
Yes if it's 2016 its 10 years out of date, maybe ts time for an update eh Devs?
According to the devs, last update seems to have been in 2018. The team is continuously working on the upgrade-process (which is a non-trivial process). There is a steady (but unfortunately slow) progress.
=> There is no ETA when they have done the upgrade and can do an update of the data but they are working on it although with lower priority.
If the map is editibale how can I get the game to link to the new highways opened in the last year and half, the Hame shows them but the ingame assets never drove th
If the open map is editable how can I get the game to link to the new highways opened in the last year and a half, the Game shows them but the in game assets never drive on them it ignores them although they do not exist?
The game uses the OSM map data for three different purposes:
* generating missions* routing
* map tiles
Generating map tiles is a pretty simple and straightforward process, also it is enough to generate a map tile only if requested. Map tiles of very common areas (such as for countries, many players play in). If you zoom into some rarely visited area in game (let's say somewhere in a small city in Brazil) and no one requested this map tile since last data update, then the map server has to generate the images first before they can be shown. Also this is an efficient thing and thus can be done regulary without any (negative) performance impact.
However for routing, the Routing-Server needs to have large large large amounts of data for the whole world. For map tiles, the information "this is a street of type x" is enough but for routing there are many further data required such as height restrictions, barriers etc.
That's why the routing server must precalculate all the data before it can calculate routes more or less efficiently. Sebastian (the original developer and former owner of the game) did such an update in 2016 and announced that it would take about 7 days (…-karten-update/). I do not know if any other update has been made since then.
However I do know that the OSRM (Open Streetmap Routing Machine) Version used in game is deprecated and some versions behind current version. That means in order to update all the routing data and do precalculations, the game team needs to update many things on their side to be compatible with the new version. I am not informed in the current state progress of this upgrade. I also expect the team to give this upgrade less priority in comparison to new features.
I do not know which data the game uses for generating missions but I expect this to be similar to the routing data.
=> There is difference between the map that is shown (which is pretty up-to-date with the OSM state) and the map data used to calculate vehicle routes (which may has received the last update in 2016).
Hope that answers your questions