Posts by TassiePanda

    Hi all!

    Just thought I'd pop my ugly head in here and suggest a time on scene clock. This would be beneficial for those in alliances who have set minimums on releasing patients as a Transport Administrator

    What I'm thinking is along the lines of "Time until Arrival" being a set clock for units who are on scene to progress how long each individual unit has been on the scene.

    What are your thoughts?

    Hi all!

    Just thought I'd pop my ugly head in here and suggest a time on scene clock. This would be beneficial for those in alliances who have set minimums on releasing patients as a Transport Administrator

    What I'm thinking is along the lines of "Time until Arrival" being a set clock for units who are on scene to progress how long each individual unit has been on the scene.

    What are your thoughts?

    To add on to this, Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) in Tasmania is operated by qualified SLST (Surf Life Saving Tasmania) members. I can guarantee this as I was a member of VMR Ulverstone.

    What you need to understand is its impossible to put indeterminate vehicles into the game. We constantly have people suggesting vehicles that only apply to NSW and seeing this is an Australian based platform not purely a NSW based one, we wont see these types of vehicles. That's why there is no police rescue and the likes. Even with the latest content you will note we had to find a nondescript name because every state calls theirs something different, i had to interview people in different states to get an idea of how their organisations worked ( again because they're all different) and try to combine it into something somewhat realistic for all states. That's also why there wont be lifeguard component as such because some states dont have them at all and some programs are run by the local council and so on.

    So whilst i understand your quest for realism, expecting vehicles to be added purely for NSW's sake just isnt able to happen. We can't draw a big red line around the state and say these vehicles are only available here and nowhere else. So the suggestion above is a valid one to enable you to achieve what you want to, if you chose to.

    The problem with this is; and hear me out; having travelled through different states during my official capacity as a firefighter, I've seen logistical assets used in every state (including other assets being moved interstate for logistical supports (see what I did there?) There are plenty of images, and if you do decide to actually do some research based on these logistical support assets, you might find that you're in fact, incorrect.

    Please, do not take this as a snap, purely one Australian trying to further the knowledge of another.

    If you do have any issues/inquiries, you're welcome to shoot me a message for further consideration.
