FlyingTrumpetGuy Student

  • Member since Oct 10th 2021
  • Last Activity:
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  • Your mission has been added into the game:

    Burst Tire - Aircraft [ID: 827]

    The post will be removed to help keep the thread clean.

    Thank you again!

  • Your mission has been added into the game:

    Institutional Fire Drive [ID 819]

    Industrial Fire Drive [ID 820]

    The post will be removed to help keep the thread clean.

    Thank you again!

  • Your mission has been added into the game:

    Confined Space Rescue: ID 768

    The portion of your post has been edited to remove that mission to keep the thread clean.

    Thank you!

  • Your missions have been added into the game.

    Sinkhole - No Damage: ID 761

    Sinkhole - Person Injured: ID 762

    Sinkhole - Roadway Damaged: ID 763

    Vehicle Fallen Into Sinkhole: ID 764

    Sinkhole - Structural Damage: ID 765

    The post was removed from the thread to keep the Mission Monday Suggestion thread clean.

    Thank you!

    Like 2