ME office and hospital emergency vehicles

  • I think that there should be an ME function in the game because I can say that as a firemen I have never gone so long without a DOA. The second suggestion is that I think there should be emergency vehicles in the hospital such as the ER Doc vehicle or maybe an organ retrieval vehicle that can do an organ retrieval mission from one of the players hospitals to the other. AI also think that there should be a security alarm call out.

  • Honestly I don't think there will be any DOA scenarios here.

    1. Minors most likely play this and wouldn't be a good aspect of the game nor look good on the game staffs behalf if they included even a hint of death victims here. Just my personal opinion. Idk if having gunshot victims, heart attacks deaths, or smoke inhalation deaths would necessarily be a good idea.

    2. I understand where you are coming from and am in no way discouraging you from bringing your ideas out, Just not sure how it would look in the game dispatches. Now if the Admins were to use this then I'd give it a try.

    The Security alarm call sounds good tho. Not sure about the rest. Gonna think about that. :)

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