Multiple Bugs/Problems

  • I have taken a break from Missionchief for a while due to RL issues. I recently got bavk on but for some reason, I am having multiple bugs or problems. Hopefully these issues haven't been brought up already in a thread:
    ~I can no longer include HEMS in my Alarm And Response Regulations after the HEMS update. It's picking it up essentially as a new vehicle and not HEMS.
    ~Lost 250k credits after an Building Collapse call. Got no proof of it, but might as well report it.
    ~I have a squad that has 4 trained Swift Water Rescue personnel but it is only sending out 2 of the personnel. I reassigned the personnel to the squad, I put the Water rescue expansion not ready and flipped it back to ready, switched squad to status 2 and back to staus 4 at the station, checked to make sure the vehicle was set to hold 4 personnel.

    Username: Po1ce1
    Operating System: Android 7.0,mobile
    Web Browser: Puffin
    Cleared browser cache

  • HEMS is now it’s own alarm and response regulation after community consultation.

    For the boat and utility could you please check to make sure the utility is holding 4 people and that 4 people have been assigned to it and could you please post links to the vehicles here.

    As for the credits I’m not sure what can be done, my suggestions to to go back through the transaction page to the day where you lost it and have a look if there is anything showing on there.

  • HEMS is now it’s own alarm and response regulation after community consultation.

    For the boat and utility could you please check to make sure the utility is holding 4 people and that 4 people have been assigned to it and could you please post links to the vehicles here.

    As for the credits I’m not sure what can be done, my suggestions to to go back through the transaction page to the day where you lost it and have a look if there is anything showing on there.

    I know about the HEMS change but I can't get the Medflight/HEMS working with any newer AAR setups. It works for older setups before that update however.

    I can't find anything on the credits. It's like it was never there but I saw it dissapear right after a call. I wasn't spending on anyting at the time as I was saving for a Hospital.

    And as for your tips for the squad, I did all I could to make sure 4 trained personnel in Swift Water Rescue were staffed with the Utility and Boat Trailer:

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