Help with the German Version of the game (Leitstellenspiel)

  • Hola Folks,

    I realize the German version of this game is more current than our English version. I want to give it a try (without learning German though). Can anyone give me sites or info that can help me learn about the various services in that game? Especially info regarding how their Emergency Medicine works... Such as the difference between a RTW and a KTW.

  • First of all, you may need to translate some textes. I prefer for translations.
    I think you also need a good alliance that helps you (mine for example ;) )
    If you got any questions, feel free to DM me ( )

    The difference of KTW and RTW is the following:
    A RTW is a full Ambulance Vehicle, that is able to complete "simple" patients. It can also transport patients. Harder Patients need a "Notarzt" (Emergency doctor) that drives to the patient in his own car (NEF) or can be flown by a helicopter (RTH). There are also very hard patients that need a RTH, wich can also transport patients. There are also NAW which are RTW and NEF in a single vehicle. That has been a very simplified explanation of ambulance system, and what you need RTW for,

    The KTW is not usefull for all patients, but you get extra calls called "Krankentransporte" (patient transportations). Per KTW max. number of Krankentransporte inceases by one, maximum 10.

    Greetings Jan :)

  • There are still other cars playing a role in German ambulance system:
    The GRTW is something like the big brother of the RTW: It can handle multiple patients at once. Ingame, it can be alarmed in tho modes:
    In first mode, it can handle up to 7 patients that don't need an emergeny doctor.
    In second mode, it can handle up to 3 patients but also those who need an emergeny doctor. In this case, minimum one of the persons driving with the GRTW has to have the emergeny-doctor-schooling.

    There are also the KdoW-LNA and KdoW-OrgL. The LNA is needed if there are more then 5 Patients at an emergency, the OrgL at more then 10 patients.
    Whenever both of them are at the same emergeny, you can see some information on each of the Patients like: Do they need an emergeny-doctor? Do they need to be transported to a hospital, do they need a RTH? and also wether an emergeny-doctor, a RTW or a RTH is with the patient at the moment.

    There is also another building that reffers to the emergency-system and not, at both:
    The SEG (Schnell Einsatz Gruppe) is something like those who are alarmed when there are many patients, in real life. They are mostly based on volunteer work.
    Ingame, the SEG can take 1 RTW, 3 KTW-B, 1 GW-San and 1 ELW.
    The RTW acts like normal RTWs do.
    The KTW-B can handle and transport patients when a GW-San is at the call.
    The GW-San has also something special: First, it allows up to 5 KTW-Bs to handle Patients, secondly it handles Patients down up to a few percentages so that they only need a RTW or KTW-B or NAW that finishs the patient. That is very useful at calls with many patients.
    The ELW can be configured to automatically do the transport request for patients. There are several possibilities to configure it.
    The SEG can be build when you got 5 Ambulance-Stations ore more.

    I think that was the complete Ambulance-System of the Leitstellenspiel :D

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