• I am constantly bombarded with major calls such as building collapses, gas station fires and industrial fires, and I will have 20 of them at once. I found that the problem is that some calls, such as room fires and trash fires, upgrade to these big ones. However when there is a building collapse or something big, it never downgrades. I know they are working on more downgrades, but this one is in much need to happen. If they are gonna upgrade, they need to downgrade too so we're aren't bombarded with the big calls. I just don't have the units to handle them all. Is anyone else in agreement? Of course it's not just about me if this is a community problem maybe they will make it a change priority. Thanks :)
  • Agree to some extent that you can just turn down call volume.

    Well Ace it's not that I have too many calls. In fact I could use more of them. I have plenty of units and stations. It's the ratio that's the problem. There are way too many large scale incident calls. Even if u did turn down the call volume, it wouldn't change the problem. And also, it's just so silly to have 5 building collapses and 13 industrial fires all at once. If calls are gonna upgrade to major, then the majors need to downgrade to Minor so there aren't so many, but it also just makes sense.

  • We'll look at some further downgrade options when we look at missions next. There are some but no where near as many as upgrades.

    You can turn off the mission upgrade feature. It's one of the last 2 settings in your dispatch centre

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