Min Staff Required before allowed to transfer staff

  • I was wondering if the Min staff requiring 10 on a fire station before it let's me transfer them be removed. , because I have stations that don't have enough crew but 1 pump stations which don't need as much and there already is a function in game preventing you refunding a station if staff it spawns with are transfered.

  • "A function in game preventing you refunding a station if staff it spawns with are transfered"

    This is an anti cheat thing.
    Its to stop you transfering 10 staff refunding then spawning 10 more ect.

    Its teedious but some people would do it.

    If your station is a oncall one, treat the staff as oncall.
    As a oncall station rarely has only 5 staff lets say for a 5 staff fire engine.
    They usually have an overlap for when people are away or on leave ect.

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