Share your Alarm & Response Regulations

  • Hello there, I thought I'd also start one of those threads here. Not sure if it exists already but I haven't found any!

    I'd love for us all to share our Alarm and Response regulations that way anyone can simply take one they like and use it as well. I know it's a hassle to set up an entire ARR for the game.

    I'll be also starting this with my ARR, which is still in progress but I've been working a bit on it and honestly just want to finally share it with you all!

    JRKPirna ARR Version 0.7

    It's a semi-advanced ARR, covering regardless if you play realistic, as a beginner, or fictional. It uses the maximum number of units required to meet the mission criteria.

    Please note that I did not create the original layout of this ARR, it's based on the ARR made by TutePlays in the German version of the game!


    - Delete your current ARR

    -Go to Alarm-Response-Regulations > scroll down > "Own Categories" > (Enable >) > and add all the categories with the correct sorting number outlined below:


    Name Sorting Number
    empty 10
    General 20
    Firefighting 30
    Airport Firefighting 35
    Wildland Firefighting 36
    Ambulance 40
    Police 50
    Water/ Coastal Rescue 53
    Federal Agencies 55
    Events 60
    Foam / Water 70
    Planned appearances 80…cda6772a2ce646b

    It is recommended to enable the ARR search bar in the Dispatch center, that way you can easily select the category and search for the mission in the menu.

    Now enjoy! :)

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