Posts by Scottybbooyy

    I totally get your point. But there are the Environmental Damage Assessments and other follow up missions, and I think FEMA could be applied in that sort of way. But IMO, it would be a MUCH lower priority, than fleshing out the rest of the US S&R as defined by the four primary elements of ESF-9.

    The other issue you face on this, is the devs push back heavily against anything being introduced that would not be dispatched from an emergency call centre like the fire/police/ambulance. We had a struggle on the UK game to get coastguard/lifeboats added.

    Custom missions would be easily abused, eg, I could create a mission with 1 engine worth 10k credits. etc., I feel even if measures were put in place, there'd be a way to abuse it still found.

    Never considered them really worth it, mostly leave them to despawn, or throw them to alliance share to clear.

    1 pump on a timed mission should reward more than 1 pump on a regular mission, due to the fact you can do many regular missions in that time.

    The SAR content pack thats been recently discussed on the forums will be UK only. One content pack wont be made available for UK/US due to the vast differences in how they operate.

    That being said, I believe US already has some of the stuff I think we'll be getting, such as coastal rescue. The US advisors may be able to comment on if there's a SAR pack planned for the US version, though.

    jxn_30 Disabled dispatch centers:

    If a dispatch center is disabled, the buildings assigned to it can no longer generate operations; the above-mentioned cases for minimum requirements are independent of this.

    I have 8 DC's deactivated and only one activated as a main spawning DC.

    I spawn 645 Fire missions as that is how many fire stations I have, disabling the DC's will still generate your total mission count.

    You're slightly confused..

    You generate (your highest number of stations + 1) missions, but that does not mean each of those stations generate a mission. This wouldn't work as a set up with 200 fire, 100 police, 100 ambulance, can only generate 201 missions, yet will generate a mixture of police/fire/ambulance calls (providing none are disabled).

    Only stations in active dispatch centres can generate a mission, however, one station can generate an infinite number of missions. This can be seen by the location that missions spawn, and by viewing a spawned missions info for "generated by", followed by a station.

    Theoretically, you can have it so only 1 fire station is enabled, and still spawn 1000 missions. They'd all just spawn within radius of that station, and also be limited to what different missions can spawn.

    1 - It just means you lose some form of control, a lot of the dispatch centre settings are global however. But you wont have the ability to disable those stations, or create a special coverage area, etc.

    2 - Units will still show just fine, regardless of which (or no) dispatch centre.

    So, basically - coming clean I am not at the age of 18 therefore in Australia participating in the betting system on the Australian version is actually illegal for anyone under the age of 18 therefore there is a few legal issues with the Australian version offering to bet to everyone, therefore, I suggest some sort of way to avoid this happening.

    As others have stated, this is not betting, and as such wouldn't be illegal. The use of the term "bet" is presumably a translation error by the devs, as they don't speak English as a first language.

    Yeah, I notice that sometimes units go offroading if they don't have a great path. This is a different issue where units always take the old/outdated route/alignment of certain roads and always refuse to use new ones. I'm intimately familiar with the area I'm in in-game, and I have confirmed that the game ignores anything newer than six years ago. I'm sure I can't be the only one having this issue, though it'd obviously be noticeable in some areas more than others.

    I dont play in my own area so I've never noticed it to be honest. Let us know what the support team say!

    I have verified that the route data on OpenStreetMap is correct. Just taking an educated guess as to what may be happening, I think it's possible that instead of constantly using OpenStreetMap's route data live (that'd be a lot of traffic from MC to OSM), the devs could have imported it at some point, so it would need to be refreshed or reimported. The map that is actually displayed by the game is live directly from OSM and so is up-to-date.

    How can I raise an official bug report or ticket on this? I've used the in-app support chat feature, which I think should be sufficient. Anyone who knows better, please let me know.

    The game mapping servers sometimes just have a hiccup, or just don't recognise routes at all. Occasionally, you'll notice a car acting like a helicopter and driving through buildings! haha

    If it's a persistent issue, the best way is via the support in-app as you've already done, but to be honest, not sure they'll be bothered about fixing a specific road, unfortunately.