Communications Center Question?

  • Ok.... I started in one county and have a communications center built. I have expanded out into the surrounding counties to build more stations. Do I need to put a communications center in each of those counties or can I just use the one as a common dispatch center? What is the advantaged of having one in each county? What is the disadvantage of having only one?

    Just looking to hear what others think and what the thought process is on this?

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • You don't have to have multiple dc's and you could technically have one for your entire setup. If you are building realistically, you could have a dc in every county (or one for two if they are a joint county dc). Having one in every area, you can potentially turn on/off call spawns so that you don't have calls spawning in an area while you are building up until you are ready. You can also have the setting turned on where calls will only spawn if there is enough of a certain station under a dc.

  • You don't have to have multiple dc's and you could technically have one for your entire setup. If you are building realistically, you could have a dc in every county (or one for two if they are a joint county dc). Having one in every area, you can potentially turn on/off call spawns so that you don't have calls spawning in an area while you are building up until you are ready. You can also have the setting turned on where calls will only spawn if there is enough of a certain station under a dc.

    Thanks for that input. I am not figured out all the ins/outs of the game and am learning as I go along. I have no clue how to turn stuff on and off like you indicate. I guess my other question is this.. If I have a dispatch center in each jurisdiction and assign those departments to that DC, will they should up as available units in my primary jurisdiction

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • I use to have a DC for each channel for LACounty fire like Blue1, Blue5 Blue8 and so on and 4 LASD DC's for the 4 divisions and a DC for my Hospital net. Hospital and Private Ambo Co. I discovered once I got all my stations under 1 DC I generate much larger runs and higher payouts plus it was much easier to maintain all the stations with out bouncing from DC to DC

  • I started this thread is a bit old but I found it and had a couple questions so I brought it back to the front to keep from getting in trouble for duplicate threads.

    #1 If you have fire stations or police stations and you DON'T assign them to a dispatch center, what happens?

    #2 If there are calls generated by other stations close by, will those unit show up on the list of available units since they are next closest?

    I have expanded into another county because of coverage and just added a few stations on the edge but I dont want a ton of calls generated in that area until I fill out the county. But I want to be able to use the units as they are closest.

    Thanks in advance for the help

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • 1 - It just means you lose some form of control, a lot of the dispatch centre settings are global however. But you wont have the ability to disable those stations, or create a special coverage area, etc.

    2 - Units will still show just fine, regardless of which (or no) dispatch centre.

  • 1 - It just means you lose some form of control, a lot of the dispatch centre settings are global however. But you wont have the ability to disable those stations, or create a special coverage area, etc.

    2 - Units will still show just fine, regardless of which (or no) dispatch centre.

    will they generate missions?

    Mission Chief - In Game Division Chief

    Professionally having my posts deleted since 2022!8)<3

  • For the sake of completeness:

    This post can be accessed via the following short link:

    Mission generation:

    * Generating building is assigned to a dispatch center with its own coverage area => only buildings of this dispatch center count towards the minimum requirements!

    * Generating building is not assigned to a dispatch center => all buildings of the entire account (independent of dispatch centers) count towards the minimum requirements.

    * Generating building is assigned to a control centre without its own coverage area => All buildings of the entire account (independent of dispatch centers) count towards the minimum requirements.

    Important: Distances do not influence the generation of missions in the first place. A mission can be generated within a certain secret radius X around a station (e.g. Fire missions around fire stations). As long as the other requirements in the respective coverage area (see above) are fulfilled, the mission can be generated. Regardless of whether these are 2 miles, 500 miles or several thousand miles away.

    Important information about patients:

    Patients can appear if an ambulance station or active ambulance extension is within a maximum distance of 15km (source, german). Coverage areas are irrelevant here.

    Ambulance station and active ambulance extensions that are assigned to a disabled control centre no longer generate patients since 27 March 2023 and are no longer included within this 15km radius. source, german

    Disabled dispatch centers:

    If a dispatch center is disabled, the buildings assigned to it can no longer generate operations; the above-mentioned cases for minimum requirements are independent of this.

  • jxn_30 Disabled dispatch centers:

    If a dispatch center is disabled, the buildings assigned to it can no longer generate operations; the above-mentioned cases for minimum requirements are independent of this.

    I have 8 DC's deactivated and only one activated as a main spawning DC.

    I spawn 645 Fire missions as that is how many fire stations I have, disabling the DC's will still generate your total mission count.

    You're slightly confused..

    You generate (your highest number of stations + 1) missions, but that does not mean each of those stations generate a mission. This wouldn't work as a set up with 200 fire, 100 police, 100 ambulance, can only generate 201 missions, yet will generate a mixture of police/fire/ambulance calls (providing none are disabled).

    Only stations in active dispatch centres can generate a mission, however, one station can generate an infinite number of missions. This can be seen by the location that missions spawn, and by viewing a spawned missions info for "generated by", followed by a station.

    Theoretically, you can have it so only 1 fire station is enabled, and still spawn 1000 missions. They'd all just spawn within radius of that station, and also be limited to what different missions can spawn.

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