Posts by ChiefBoden61

    But as mentioned by DGsmith67 Certain Engines already have foam, so they already have Foam capability. Why muddy the waters with CAFS?

    Pardon my ignorance, but Type 1, Type 3, rescue engine, pumper tanker, and quints all carry 25 gallons of foam already, correct? Is there a need, short of a major hazmat incident, to have that much foam onsite IRL? I'd rather send either a foam tender or trailer to anything that needs a lot, but I'm in an alternate universe with my setup.

    🤦 Yep. I just double checked. That's embarrassing.

    However I bought the expansions and extension after, so I should have gotten refunded for the extension as well, not just the 60,000 for the expansions, which would bring me up to 110,000 total refund

    I don't think it works that way. I believe once that you get the "reward" anything else you do in the station will also not be refunded. One way to minimize the loss would be to transfer the apparatus to another station as well as all but ten (ten) of the personnel and then redeploy them. 10 is the minimum required (at least in fire) and you can't drop below.

    The CAFS (Compressed Air Foam System) converts tank water into foam used for firefighting. This would be a very useful equipment that can be utilized to equip units with more foam without needing a tanker or trailer to do it. CAFS would be able to be applied to Type 1-7 Engines, Rescue Engines, Quints & Pumper Tankers

    not a bad idea as long as it does not become a "required" type of equipment to clear an incident

    pipeline is a method used to transport natural gas or crude oil or gasoline or other liquids either underground or overground to facilities where it is distributed or processed further

    I've found workarounds too, but the only major city in my area is St. Louis, and now that I am well-advanced into rural Missouri it's getting silly. MCV would also not be needed on Tanker Truck Explosions.

    The Tanker explosions one could be debated... I know of at least two of those type calls that turned into a multi day mission in real life. I know it may not be real life, but to play the game, I simply purchased one (1) MCV and put it in the center of Counties that are rural. Takes a bit for it to get there, but at least I have one available

    Agree.....missions with in the game that don't need mobile command or even a chief officer for command get them required and then missions that should have them do not require one.. But.....that is the way the game is set up so, if I think one is needed....I just add them regardless of requirement.

    once you clear the staging area, try clearing your cache and then log out, refresh your browser and log back in. I have had issues with units clearing calls, yet remaining committed on the screen after the mission clears and I have moved buildings only to find the new building there and the old one still shows. Taking the above steps seems to take care of it.

    Does anyone else have an issue when clearing vehicles from a staging area, and then deleting the staging area, but the vehicle not returning to it's station.

    I frequently use staging areas for large brush and structure assignments as moveups and coverage areas.

    I have not seen a problem but, while I do use them from time to time, I don't routinely use them.

    I'm getting loads of Fire in Stadium missions. So defo got the PoI. Defo got the unit requirements. But not actually seen one yet. I guess like the Nuclear power station incident missions. They are just a bit on the rarer side

    That is correct, as I asked the same question about airport incidents... According to one of the moderators the type of missions and frequency are all determined by the things you mention with some sort of formula that spits them out..

    Missions are randomly generated, There are 965 missions total with numerous missions having overlays associated with it.

    So even just putting it at the base rate of 1/965, that means there is a 0.1% chance of the mission spawning (note, that is just at the basic level, there are numerous variables that do come into play with the random mission generation).

    Myself, I'm at 1613 of 4000.

    thanks for the explanation. I appreciate it, as it just seems weird. Those missions are far and few between and yet I get dozens of "burning call box" and "caller hang ups" each day to just mention a few..

    Thanks again

    Brought this forward 3 months ago and still having the problem. I did report it to customer support but the issue continues. I set graphics for all my vehicles/stations. However, the EMS Chief continues to lose that graphic and back to the default setting. However, it only happens randomly to certain stations. Someone indicated I should make sure i did not check a "certain box", which I confirmed i have not done. Is there anyway to get this corrected?

    Bringing this up again to the top because I never got a response from admins/moderators or the content advisors. Why are there so few "Bulk Trash Fires"? They don't appear to require a POI and I have hundreds of stations covering 2/3 of Florida and parts of Georgia and Alabama. Yet on a daily basis out of 1200+ generated missions I may get 5 or 6 at the most. In over two years I have been able to complete under 700 of the 4000 missions that are required for a reward. Am I missing something?


    Sorry it took me a while to reply, but it looks like LAC-1014 pretty much covered your question. It helps in areas where there is no ALS EMS and no squads. Glendale CA for example is all BLS Ambos with ALS staffed fire engines

    Then the ALS Engine has to put the medic on the Ambo for an ALS patient and then engine has to follow to the hospital, putting the engine out of service?

    Why all of a sudden does the focus for expanding seem to be on EMS and Police Stations and buying EMS and Police Units and Expanding those stations? I thought the games focus has always been on fire with an added police and EMS component but now it seems to be shifted to the above mentioned or in a lot of cases "buy 20 vehicles of any type". I can't remember the last daily activity that asked you to build xxx fire stations or buy xxxx vehicles for a fire station. Am I off base here or has anyone else noticed? And before anyone gets offended and goes on a rant, it is just a simple question? Thanks