• There's a few aspects to this idea with regard to the game that could make it difficult although this depends on how far you envisaged going;
    - The change in game play during the 'daytime' and 'nighttime', this would be a little difficult to implement democratically to suit everyone as different areas have different patterns in calls.
    - The visual aspect, there is currently only one style of map, another style is available for coins.
    - The actual time period that this would change over, some may want to stick to the american 24 hour clock, some will want their own timezone, some will want a shorter 'day cycle'.
    I suspect this and many other things may make this 'interesting' at best to implement.
    It sounds good, however it's ability to be implemented is difficult at best to suit all

  • it would be very nice to have that in the game and would make a lot of sense from realistic aspect of it from a coding aspect that is a nightmare and would require rewriting a s**t load of code within the game as for the time zone to use that is easy just use his local time zone and if players are on the same time zone great for them if not all well

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